A test extension
This is a Manifest Version 3 test extension that is only useful to Firefox developers.
1 user
This extension is based on a weird niche Russian meme (https://vk.com/detey_2 is the most popular public page for it). This extension replaces the images from the page with the meme itself, and replaces the words to end with "ey" or "ей".
1 user
FOL to Calendar
Salva nel calendario predefinito la partita visualizzata su FOL
1 user
e& Wider Web
The first of its kind* autistic-friendly web extension
1 user
Redirecciona las paginas de lectortmo
1 user
View premium Irish sports articles. Chrome extension install at https://github.com/eric-mckinley/the43
1 user
This extension shows accumulated overtime hours in MiTERAS KINTAI.
1 user
This add-on removes unwanted parts from tamo.lt website.
1 user
AO3 Tools
Helps keep track of which works you've previously read on archiveofourown
1 user
BOJ Bookmark
BOJ 문제 페이지에서 solved.ac 북마크에 문제를 쉽게 추가할 수 있게 해 줍니다.
1 user
Hover Copy - Copy Texts Easily
Click to copy text directly by hovering and clicking on any element.
1 user
This extension enters break times in MiTERAS KINTAI.
1 user
Easily create high quality zettelkasten cards.
1 user
skips discord video quests
1 user
Auto Unmute
Monitors Mic button, Volume related checkbox and toggle automatically.
1 user
YouTube™ for Jee Student
1 user
أذكار المسلم
إضافة لعرض أذكار المسلم بشكل دوري
1 user
This extension provides the possibility of selecting nodes to remove or move them adapting the website to your needs
0 users
Makni komentare s Indexa
Miče komentare sa index.hr stranice.
0 users
Kumiko Companion
Adds a contextual menu to view image in Kumiko reader
0 users
Crée une carte lorsque vous jouez au jdr Odyssée. TRÈS EXPÉRIMENTAL !
0 users
HR Crusher
Расширение позволяет автоматически заполнять формы, такие как Google Forms или Яндекс Формы, которые рекрутеры отправляют вам после отклика на вакансию.
0 users
CalLite CRM
Monitor Plugin. Questa estensione permette di monitorare in tempo reale lo stato di salute di CalLite CRM.
0 users
Alo Song Ngữ
Học ngoại ngữ qua phụ đề phim
0 users
NRK Readablizer
Read articles uninterrupted by other articles.
0 users