Close Tabs by Title version history - 13 versions
Close Tabs by Title by IB_U_Z_Z_A_R_Dl
Close Tabs by Title version history - 13 versions
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 1.9.4
Released Nov 8, 2023 - 178.7 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later* Fixed a bug where errorsStream was stacking up each time the user closes or preserves tabs.
* Refined code.
**Full Changelog**: code released under All Rights Reserved
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extensionOlder versions
Version 1.9.3
Released Nov 8, 2023 - 178.68 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later* Improved the settings button, it will now opens and focuses on the existing page if available.
* Refined code.
**Full Changelog**: code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.9.2
Released Nov 7, 2023 - 177.83 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later* Fixed an infinite loading issue caused by "Catastrophic backtracking" user's regex.
* Refined code.
**Full Changelog**: code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.9.1
Released Nov 6, 2023 - 177.66 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later* Fixed that we where able to click the Closing Tabs/Preserve Tabs switch button while currently closing tabs.
* Refined code.
**Full Changelog**: code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.9
Released Nov 4, 2023 - 177.76 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later* Added "Preserve Tabs by Title" setting & button.
* Added "JSDoc" functions code comments.
* Refined code.
**Full Changelog**: code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.8
Released Sep 15, 2023 - 175.82 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later*
* [manifest.json]
[Added] 'Options' to the extension's icon right-click context menu in 'Manage Extensions'
* [manifest.json]
[Replaced] 'author' key with 'developer', so that my GitHub is there
* [popup/popup.html], [popup/popup.js], [settings/settings.html] and [settings/settings.js]
[Refined] relative file paths code
* [background/background.js]
[Added] default extension's settings on installation
* [images/favicon.ico], [popup/popup.html] and [settings/settings.html]
[Moved] file "icons/favicon.ico" to "images/" folder
* [images/gear-icon.png], [svgs/settings.svg] and [popup/popup.html]
[Replaced] "images/gear-icon.png" to "svgs/settings.svg", I made that one myself from the png.
* [background/background.js], [popup/popup.js] and [settings/settings.js]
[Fixed] "Insensitive Tabs Search" setting being inverted
* [settings/settings.js], [popup/popup.js], [shared/shared_functions.js], [background/background.js], [js/initializeTabsClosing.js] and [popup/popup.js]
[Refined] code
* [popup/styles.css], [settings/styles.css] and [icons/icon256.png]
[Deleted] files leftover by my mistakeSource code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.7
Released Sep 3, 2023 - 269.52 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later*
* [popup/popup.js]:
[Added/Fixed] I forgot to implement the setting for "Whitelist Firefox Reserved tabs" before releasing v1.5
[Improved/Refined/Fixed] code comments.
* :
* [popup/popup.css], [popup/popup.html], [settings/settings.css], and [settings/settings.html];
[Renamed] both "popup/styles.css" and "settings/styles.css" to "popup/popup.css" and "settings/settings.css"Source code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.5
Released Sep 3, 2023 - 268.14 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later*
* [Manifest.json]:
[Removed] leftover permission "host_permissions" from the "manifest.json", as I ever even needed it.
* [popup/popup.html]:
[Removed] the Cascading Style Sheet, instead it will now uses [popup/styles.css], this is to improve code readability and potentially improve performances of the extension as well.
[Added] a settings button.
[Added] the "module" type for "popup.js" as it's now required for importing from [shared/shared_functions.js]
[Improved/Refined/Fixed] code comments.
* [popup/popup.js]:
[Added] the new settings button event listener.
[Improved/Refined/Fixed] source code.
* [popup/popup.html], [css/styles.css], [icons/favicon.ico] and [shared/shared_functions.js]:
[Added] a default HTML headers for the various HTML files in the project
[Added] a global Cascading Style Sheets file that various HTML files in the project will be importing.
[Added] a favorite icon file that various HTML files in the project will be importing.
[Added] a JavaScript file that can be imported and utilized to share the same functions across various JavaScript files within the project. **(thanks to [sintrode]( for their assistance with this, without whom this code idea would have been completely dropped).**
* [settings/settings.html], [settings/settings.js], [settings/styles.css] and [images/gear-icon.png]:
[Added] a settings button in the user interface of the popup HTML page.
* [.gitignore]:
[Added] ".gitignore" file, that allows me to store personal files about the project without them being in this GitHub project.Source code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.4
Released Aug 30, 2023 - 88.76 KBWorks with firefox 112.0 and later*
* [Manifest.json]( and [](
[Updated] the "strict_min_version" to Firefox v112.0
* [Manifest.json](
[Added] a background script.
* [popup/popup.html](
[Added] "tabsLoadingText" which will now display tabs that are still loading (their titles are not yet accessible).
* [popup/popup.js](
[Improved/Refined/Fixed] source code.
[Improved/Refined/Fixed] code comments.
[Refined] user interface and it's interactions.
* [background/background.js](
[Added] a background script that closes all tabs, this fixes the issue that if the user clicks away from the popup UI, the process of closing all tabs was interrupted.
### Special thanks in this release to [Grub4K]( for their assistance and expertise in code review.Source code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.3
Released Aug 26, 2023 - 87.88 KBWorks with firefox 109.0 and later*
Added multiline and scrollable support on the title input text area
Merged 'keydown event listener' and 'click event listener' into one async function (removed simulation of the "Close Tabs" button from pressing {ENTER} key
Added a function that replace pasted text's new lines to literal "\n" in the regular expression, because tab titles cannot contain a new line character.
Improved/Refined/Fixed source code.
Improved/Refined/Fixed code comments.
Refined user interface and it's interactions.
Deleted leftover permission "activeTab" from the "manifest.json", as I ever even needed it.Source code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.2
Released Aug 24, 2023 - 86.89 KBWorks with firefox 109.0 and later*
Removed the old method that was checking for code crash from invalid regular expression, now uses `try` function. MUCH better.
As in [v1.1](, we are already warning user before closing all opened tabs, I decided to retire the function disalowing that with certain potentially unwanted regular expression.
Improved code structure and efficiency.
Added a functionality that it now checking if there are any tabs matching the regular expression title before actually trying to close them, otherwise warn the user: "No open tabs matching this regular expression found."
Refined code comments for improved readability and clarity
Added a on [Close Tabs by Title]( GitHub project page :)Source code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.1
Released Aug 23, 2023 - 87.12 KBWorks with firefox 109.0 and later*
Improved different texts in the popup.
Added an error message when the title's input is empty and user hit the "Close Tabs" button.
Added a feature that gives the real time tabs count, even while the app is closing tabs currently opened.
Added a feature that when the user press {ENTER} keyboard key, it automatically trigger the "Close Tabs" button.
Added a feature that prevent the user's entering an invalid regular expression, or potentially unwanted. (Thanks [@Grub4K]( for helping with the regex: `(\\(?:\\\\)*(?!\\))`)
Added a feature that when the user click on the extension's icon, it automatically focuses in the title bar user input.
Added a feature that checks if the user is about to close all opened tabs, and if so, warn them if they are sure about it.
Improved different texts in the popup.
Added a feature that if the user close all opened tabs, instead of closing the web browser, it's gonna open the user's default new tab. (Thanks [@Grub4K]( for helping with the `tabs` variable code there lmfao)Source code released under All Rights Reserved
Version 1.0
Released Aug 19, 2023 - 86.31 KBWorks with firefox 109.0 and later* Initial releaseSource code released under All Rights Reserved