Derpibooru Tag Autocomplete by usy
Available on Firefox for Android™Available on Firefox for Android™
An alternative tag autocompletion for, using its API or local autocomplete if provided a tags file
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata
About this extension
Displays an infinite list of tags related to your current search below the derpibooru search box, selectable through either the arrow keys and the tab key, or by clicking on them. Supports mobile and matches the built in derpibooru themes.
Basic usage: use the Tab key to fill the first suggestion in the autocomplete box, or navigate it using the arrow keys or scroll wheel.
- Choose between match any text in tag (default) and match start of tag
- Change the amount of displayed results at once
- Toggle the searching of special queries such as score:
- Toggle local tag autocomplete if you provide a csv file of tags, which is incredibly performant
Source Code:
Basic usage: use the Tab key to fill the first suggestion in the autocomplete box, or navigate it using the arrow keys or scroll wheel.
- Choose between match any text in tag (default) and match start of tag
- Change the amount of displayed results at once
- Toggle the searching of special queries such as score:
- Toggle local tag autocomplete if you provide a csv file of tags, which is incredibly performant
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- Version
- Size
- 61.2 KB
- Last updated
- 6 days ago (Dec 22, 2024)
- Related Categories
- License
- GNU General Public License v3.0 only
- Version History
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