Rango version history - 25 versions
Rango by David Tejada
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 0.8.1
Released Feb 24, 2025 - 436.25 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later- Fix links with
being opened twice. - Fix hints sometimes not working after going back in history.
- Fix clicking on elements that open the system file picker not working.
- Fix positioning of hints for elements that contain hidden text.
Source code released under MIT License
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extension- Fix links with
Older versions
Version 0.8.0
Released Feb 21, 2025 - 435.7 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterChanged:- Improve error handling and error notifications.
- Improve tab marker assignment. Now all tabs receive a tab marker.
- Make fuzzy search work also on non hintables when a good hintable match isn't
found. - Change command
copy text <target>
tocopy content <target>
to avoid
collisions with fuzzy search targets. - Improve focus, supporting elements with
. - Change reference commands to accept multiple words instead of just one.
- Show What's New page only on startup to avoid disrupting the user.
- Update rango-talon to use specific actions instead of "stringy" ones. For
instead of
user.rango_command_with_target("clickElement", rango_target)
. - Change
follow <target>
command to exclusively take into account elements
within the viewport. - Improve positioning of hints for elements that contain images.
Added:- Add command
tab close <target>
for closing tabs by their tab marker. - Add range target for elements and tab markers. For example,
[click] <target> until <target>
ortab close <target> until <target>
. - Add targets for fuzzy search
text <user.text>
and references
mark <user.text>
that can be used with any command that receives a target. - Add commands for focusing audible/muted tabs and for muting/unmuting tabs.
Commands likemute this
,mute all
,go sound
and more. - Add command
move to <target>
for moving the mouse pointer to an element. - Add command
mouse click <target>
for clicking an element with the mouse. - Add command
menu <target>
for right clicking an element with the mouse. - Add menu item and command
rango what's new
to show the What's New page. - Add ability to snap scroll arbitrary text using
crown <text>
center <text>
andbottom <text>
. - Show notification when direct clicking fails with TimeoutError to warn users
that might be trying to insert characters without the browser extension
Fixed:- Fix clicking elements that copy text to the clipboard not working. Making no
longer necessary to useflick <target>
for those cases. - Fix hint characters of child frames not refreshing when using the command
hints refresh
. - Fix
pre <target>
andpost <target>
not working for some input element
types. - Fix custom hints outline persisting after the element is no longer marked.
- Fix command
toggle show
not working when notifications are disabled. - Fix keyboard clicking not ignoring hints outside of the viewport.
- Fix limitation of 8192 bytes per item in sync storage.
- Fix slowness displaying hints after multiple tabs have been opened.
- Fix decorations not being removed when saving multiple bookmarks.
- Fix command
flick <target>
not working with some elements like checkboxes
and radio buttons. - Fix some issues caused by displaying tab markers on non-HTML tabs.
Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.7.0
Released Jun 17, 2024 - 410.66 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterAdded
- Add setting to always compute hintables.
- Add command for performing action on an element fuzzy searching its text.
- Add ability to customize custom selectors from the settings page.
- Add setting for notifying or not when toggling hints.
- Add command for hiding a specific hint.
- Add command to save a reference to the active element.
- Fix issue with elements not triggering intersection when within
`positioned: fixed` element.
- Fix hints being read out when using Microsoft Edge Read Aloud function.
- Make hints and keys to exclude settings case insensitive.
- Fix crown not taking account sticky headers with smooth scrolling.
- Fix Discord's internal links opening in a new tab.
- Fix "go input" not working when the hints are off.
- Fix slowness on startup caused by having to reload discarded tabs for
refreshing tab marker.
- Allow smaller hint font size.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.6.3
Released Feb 2, 2024 - 409.51 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterAdded:
- Log to the console the selectors used when showing references.
- Fix some reference not working when the unique selector uses `href`.
- Fix some instances of hints within tables breaking layout.
- Fix weird behavior displaying hints in contenteditable in
https://pad.cogneon.io/.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.6.2
Released Dec 8, 2023 - 409.29 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterAdded:
- Add setting to hide tab markers when the hints global toggle is off (#253)
- Fix includeTabMarkers being altered by clicking the browser action button
- Fix buggy behavior when changing the title of a bookmark manually (#254)
- Handle focus change and update shouldBeHinted for all hintables. Fixes some
instances of hints not displaying on menus that open when certain element is
focused. (#256)
- Fix hints not being shown with new color spaces in CSS Colors v4 (#257)
- Improve include or exclude custom hints highlighting for better accessibility
- Fix focus not being called for all HTMLElements (#255)Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.6.1
Released Nov 13, 2023 - 408.66 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later### Changed
- Clicking the action button also toggles the tab markers keeping them in sync with global hints toggle.
- Change the way preferences are declared in rango-talon. Now tags are used instead of settings.
### Added
- Add commands for saving references to hints/elements for scripting.
- Add command `exclude all` to exclude all hints for the current host.
- Add command to toggle tab markers.
- Add commands to store custom scroll positions and scroll to them.
- Add command `visit {user.website}` to focus a given tab by URL or create a new one.
- Add command `tab hunt <user.text>`, to focus a tab matching a text in the title or URL using fuzzy search. Add commands `tab ahead` and `tab behind` to cycle through the results.
- Add setting to use numbers instead of letters for hints.
- Add setting to change the viewport margin that determines where hints are drawn.
- Add setting to exclude certain strings from being used for hints.
- Add setting for excluding keys for certain URL patterns when using keyboard clicking.
- Add browser action context menu `Add Keys to Exclude`. This adds the host pattern of the current URL to the `keys to exclude` setting and opens the settings page.
- Add `cursor: text` to the elements to show when using hint extra.
### Fixed
- Fix toggle buttons in settings being invisible in high contrast mode.
- Fix invalid tab markers when restoring previous tabs on startup in Firefox.
- Fix some issues where hints for button elements failed to hide when those did.
- Fix an issue where reattaching hints would cause the tab to crash.
- Check if there is an offscreen document before creating one. This tries to fix a rare and difficult to reproduce issue where reading from the clipboard would fail.
- Remove the decorations added by Rango when saving bookmarks (except in Safari as it doesn't support the bookmarks API).
- Avoid the hints being included when printing.
- Fix some discord links opening in a new tab when they shouldn't.
- Fix some instances where direct clicking would be triggered when editing text and keyboard clicking on.
### Removed
- Remove commands `rango direct` and `rango explicit`. You can still specify which mode you prefer with the tag `user.rango_direct_clicking`.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.5.1
Released Oct 6, 2023 - 338.04 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterSource code released under MIT License
Version 0.5.0
Released Aug 7, 2023 - 337.76 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterChanged:
- Improve the behavior of commands that place the cursor within or manipulate input text.
- Only show "What's New" page for major or minor version updates, not patch updates.
- Improvements to toast notifications.
- Improve performance when refreshing hints.
- Improve accessibility of hints (changing the hint size limit from 16px to 72px).
- Improve accessibility of the settings page.
- Add keyboard shortcut to enable hints.
- Add command `go input` to focus the first input found on the page.
- Implement tab markers and the ability to focus tabs using them.
- Add additional info to the settings page.
- Add setting for deciding where to open new tabs.
- Add settings to decide when to perform direct clicking.
- Add setting for notifications duration.
- Create keyboard clicking context menu in the browser action button.
- Create onboarding page that shows up on install.
- Fix hints appearance being affected by `letter-spacing` of a parent element.
- Fix tooltip not working properly on some pages.
- Fix hints marked for inclusion or exclusion not being cleared after `hints refresh`.
- Fix `custom hints reset` not clearing hints marked for inclusion or exclusion.
- Fix `tab back` sometimes failing.
- Fix custom selectors not working in iframes.
- Fix keyboard clicking failing in some situations.
- Fix wrongly positioned hint for some `contenteditable` elements.
- Fix some hints being partially hidden in OneNote.
- Fix hint not displaying properly with inherited `text-indent`.
- Fix performance issue when calculating if a hintable is redundant.
- Fix wrong stacking context of hints in some situations.
- Fix an issue reclaiming hints from other frames that would cause not all hints to be shown when using `hint extra`.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.4.2
Released Apr 28, 2023 - 1.58 MBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterFixed:
- Fix bug introduced in v0.4.1 where no command is able to run if there is no content script.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.4.1
Released Apr 25, 2023 - 1.57 MBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later### Fixed
- Fix hints toggle status displaying without using any of the hint toggle commands.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.4.0
Released Apr 25, 2023 - 1.57 MBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later### Changed
- Use sync storage to keep settings synchronized across computers.
### Added
- Add toast notifications to provide better user feedback.
- Create a settings page to enable users to manage their preferences.
- Add command `rango settings` to open the setting page.
- Add command `rango open {page}` to quickly open some pages related to Rango like the readme, issues, new issue or sponsors.
- Add page What's New to show the user the new features and changes when the extension updates.
### Removed
- Remove commands for changing the hint weight and style (boxed or subtle) as this can be now accomplished using the settings page.
### Fixed
- Fix hints sometimes not reacting to commands after navigating back or forward in the page history.
- Fix some checkboxes and toggle buttons not receiving hints, considering cases where the input/button element is hidden and replaced with a stylized sibling.
- Handle cases where hints are deleted by the page.
- Fix scrolling behavior to ensure the correct scroll amount in various pages. Issue #94.
- Fix issue with hints modifying the aspect of tables with `table-layout: fixed`. Issue #92.
- Fix keyboard clicking not working in iframes.
- Fix tooltip not always displaying correctly.
- Fix some editable elements not receiving focus when clicked or having the cursor placed in the wrong position when using the `post` command.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.3.4
Released Feb 24, 2023 - 410.01 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterFixed
- Fix regression with not being able to type one or two characters when there is no content scriptSource code released under MIT License
Version 0.3.3
Released Feb 22, 2023 - 429.55 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterFixed:
- Fix timeout error when executing a command that affects all tabs, e.g. "hint bigger".Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.3.2
Released Feb 20, 2023 - 933.75 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later### Added
- Add command for focus and include blur of the current active element in dismiss.
### Fixed
- Fix some elements becoming taller when the hints are rendered.
- Fix clicking on `<select>` elements not always working
- Fix elements not receiving focus if the page wasn't focused.
- Fix regression where clicking on anchor element with target="\_blank" is blocked by the browser.
- Fix wrong detection of duplicates when the parent is the `<label>` for the element.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.3.1
Released Jan 30, 2023 - 428.26 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later## 0.3.1 - 2023-01-30
### Changed
- Change scroll command behavior to follow the user's reduced motion settings.
- Modify the command to delete the contents of a field so that the user is able to undo it.
### Added
- Make links inside contenteditable open in a new tab.
### Fixed
- Fix some hints displaying even after disabling them with `hints off`
## 0.3.0 - 2023-01-27
### Changed
- Complete rewrite of the hint rendering logic to implement **static hints** so that the hints always stay with their target element, even when scrolling.
- Include a 1000px viewport margin where the hints are rendered. Serving for a nicer scrolling experience.
- Implement fade-in transition effect for the hints when first rendered for a smoother experience.
- Render hints using shadow DOM which provides better encapsulation and avoids some issues like in #20.
- Improve the positioning of the hints so that more elements are accessible.
- Simplify the logic for detecting what is a hintable element. This improves performance and reduces duplicates. A tradeoff is that now, if the element is not minimally accessible, it won't display a hint (see custom hints for a solution to this).
- Improve page scroll commands so that if the page doesn't scroll it uses the scroll container at the center.
- Add `pointer-events: none` to the hint style to prevent it from swallowing clicks when using a mouse.
- Include source maps also in production.
- Make the default hotkey `ctrl-shift-insert` for all the browsers except for Safari.
- The command `copy text <user.rango_target>` will now also copy the content of an input field.
- Disconnect all observers when the hints are off to avoid unnecessary load.
- Batch measuring and writing to the DOM to minimize reflow and avoid potential performance issues.
### Added
- Implement custom hints: include mechanism to display more hints when the target element doesn't display one. New commands:
- `hint extra`: Display hints for more elements.
- `hint more`: Display hints for previously excluded elements.
- `hint less`: Only display the default hints.
- `include <user.rango_target>`: Mark the selected hints for inclusion.
- `exclude <user.rango_target>`: Mark the selected hints for exclusion.
- `some more`: Mark more hints for inclusion/exclusion.
- `some less`: Mark less hints for inclusion/exclusion.
- `custom hints save`: Save the currently selected hints marked for inclusion/exclusion so that they render by default.
- `custom hints reset`: Remove any previously included/excluded custom hints.
- Implement new commands `page next` and `page last` to navigate to the next or previous page in paginated sites.
- Implement new command `go root` to navigate to the root of the page.
- Implement new scroll commands:
- `upper/downer <number>`: Scroll up/down a certain amount of pages.
- `upper/downer all`Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.2.3
Released Sep 2, 2022 - 93.71 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterFixed
- Fix issue where opening a link with target="\_blank" with same domain is blocked in Firefox.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.2.2
Released Aug 28, 2022 - 128.64 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterChanged
Avoid direct clicking if the user is in the address bar or in the devtools
Most hint commands now accept multiple targets, including direct clicking.
Added command "tab split" to move current tab to new window.
Added command "tab back" to switch between the two most recent tabs.
Added detection of more clickable elements using attribute "jsaction" and style "cursor: pointer".Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.2.1
Released Jul 4, 2022 - 648.04 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later### Changed
- Changed hints size and positioning so they get less in the way.
- Hide hints when scrolling unless they scroll with the page.
- Don't show hints on disabled elements.
### Added
- Added commands for scrolling element to top, center and bottom.
- Added additional parameter to the API for custom scroll amount.
- Added role="menuitemradio" to clickable elements.
- Added keyboard clicking.
- Added element title to "show" command.
- Added ability to click on multiple targets.
### Fixed
- Fixed occurrences of duplicated hints.
- Fixed some elements not reacting to clicks by also dispatching "mousedown" and "mouseup" events.
- Fixed some elements not reacting to hover by also dispatching "mouseenter" event.
- Fixed url in title sometimes removing the title and leaving only the url.
- Fixed url in title not updating with hash changes.
- Fixed command dismiss buggy behavior.
- Fix error calling "new Color" with empty string which resulted in hints not showing in some pages (issue #28)
- Fixed jittery hints after v0.2.0Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.2.0
Released Jun 22, 2022 - 119.37 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later### Changed
- Use a different tab than the current one to use as copy-paste area in Chromium to minimize the issue where the clipboard textarea steals focus.
- Return the focus to the previous active element in Chromium clipboard.
- Improve the appearance and placement of the hints.
- Change hotkey to ctrl-shift-3 as some users were having issues with ctrl-shift-insert. Leave the latter as a fallback for backwards compatibility.
- Improved performance by caching hint background color and first text node element.
- Improved performance by checking if an element is visible only when necessary.
- Improved hints toggle responsiveness by first updating the active tabs and then the rest using window.requestIdleCallback.
- Implement adaptable hints. If part of the element being hinted is still visible it will try to place the hint at the bottom left corner.
### Added
- Added command to open one or more links in a new tab without focusing it.
- Added multiple commands for closing tabs.
- Added command for cloning the current tab.
- Added commands for scrolling the current page and the scroll container of a particular hint.
- Added command to copy the text content of a hinted element.
- Added command to copy the address of a particular hint in markdown format.
- Added commands to copy the location information of the current hint (host, origin, address, ...).
- Added command to copy the address of the current page in markdown format.
- Added commands to change between "boxed" and "subtle" hint style.
- Added command to change the weight of the hint font between "bold", "normal" and "auto".
- Added command to refresh the hints without needing to reload the page.
- Added commands to show or hide the hints in five levels of priority (now, page, host, tab, global).
- Added commands to include or exclude single letters from hints. Useful to minimize misclicks when using direct clicking.
- Added URL in the title (useful so that talon knows the current URL) and commands to enable or disable this option.
- Added flashing hint when using the command `hover`.
- Added elements with contenteditable to the elements that need to be hinted.
- Added shortcut to disable the hints.
### Removed
- Removed command `hover fixed` and leave `hover` without a timeout.
### Fixed
- Fixed issue #20 regarding the editor TinyMCE. Now, if the whole body is contentEditable, hints won't be displayed.
- In direct clicking mode, if there is no hint or the hints are off, now it will type the characters.
- Fixed an issue when some hints would remain even after the hinted element wasn't visible in the viewport.
- Fixed hints not including combinations of the same letter.Source code released under MIT License
Version 0.1.9
Released May 26, 2022 - 95.36 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later0.1.9 - 2022-05-25
- Go back to sending response with every request but change the order in Chromium to avoid the issue where the clipboard textarea steals focus
0.1.8 - 2022-05-24
- Support both manifests v2 and v3 to be also able to publish to the Chrome Web Store
- Fix hints sometimes changing after initial page loadSource code released under MIT License
Version 0.1.7
Released May 12, 2022 - 96.46 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterAdded:
- Web Components/Shadow DOM support
- Add missing input types that focus on click
- Fix extension starting with the hints off after new installSource code released under MIT License
Version 0.1.6
Released May 11, 2022 - 96.34 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterChanged:
- Now hints toggle works in already opened tabs
- Fix regression with hints toggle not working globallySource code released under MIT License
Version 0.1.5
Released May 10, 2022 - 96.25 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterIf you update to this version remember to update [rango-talon](https://github.com/david-tejada/rango-talon)
- Rango now supports iframes!
- Added commands for changing hints size: `hint bigger` and `hint smaller`
- More ways to toggle hints on and off:
- With the shortcut `ctrl-shift-space`
- Clicking the extension button in the browser toolbar
- Reduced displayHints timeout for added snappiness
- Fix hints position not being calculated properly on some pages
- Fix hints not returning to its original size after clickingSource code released under MIT License
Version 0.1.4
Released May 8, 2022 - 126.48 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and later- Stable Hints: Now hints keep the same letters when you scrollSource code released under MIT License
Version 0.1.2
Released May 6, 2022 - 120.11 KBWorks with firefox 80.0 and laterSource code released under MIT License