Privacy policy for traktflix
traktflix by rafaelgomesxyz
traktflix does not collect any data without your consent.
- With the option "Allow Google Analytics to collect information about your usage of the extension." enabled, information about your usage of the extension will be collected and sent to us, so that we can gather data and improve the extension. This information includes: when you logged in / logged out, when a search for the item you are watching was successful / unsuccessful (along with the title of the item), when a scrobble for the item you are watching was successful / unsuccessful, and your IP address for geographical statistics. This data is not shared with any other service.
- With the option "Allow Rollbar to collect information about bugs." enabled, whenever a bug occurs, information about it will be collected and sent to us, so that we can fix it faster and improve the extension. This information includes: when the bug happened, the traceback of the bug, the name and version of your browser, and the name of your OS. This data is not shared with any other service.