Himawari 8 Satellite New Tab Page
Experience the latest image of Earth from the Himawari 8 satellite every time you open a new tab.
30 users
RARBG Tweaks
Provides some tweaks for RARBG sites.
30 users
Idlescape utilities
Quality of life improvements for Idlescape.
30 users
Show Domain IP
Displays domain IP address on every website
30 users
List & search all links of the current web page in the sidebar.
30 users
YouTube Autoplay Disabler
Free and open-sourced alternative for disabling YouTube's autoplay "feature" Checks if YouTube autoplay is on and, if it is, disables it. https://github.com/lucianoratamero/youtube-autoplay-disabler
30 users
QR Print
Backlinks for your printouts. QR Print is a browser extension that makes sure all links are accessible on printouts. Each link from in your doc gets its unique QR code. The codes are embedded into the text copy: printable, recognisable.
30 users
OMORI Typing
Play OMORI text sounds while typing.
30 users
Delete Shorts From YT Feed
On scroll, this extension removes the youtube shorts elements from Youtube.
30 users
Heise Single Page
Zeigt Newsartikel auf Heise auf einer Seite an, öffnet die Threadanzeige im Forum und macht heise+ Artikel sichtbarer.
30 users
Amazon Canada Search Widget
The search widget allows you to integrate a search box on your mobile or desktop browser after install a button with pop up will apear on your brower and one wil be added to the context menu, so you can seacrh the selected text on Amazon CA, .
30 users
GitHub Dracula Theme
A Dark theme for all of GitHub based on Dracula. Forked from https://github.com/poychang/github-dark-theme
30 users
Reverse Youtube
Replacing Youtube playback window and right column
30 users
Youtube Storyboard
In Youtube Player Context Menu (Right Click on Youtube Video) - Added a "Get Youtube Storyboard" button for extracts all the storyboard images of YouTube video - Added a "Get Seek And Capture" button for capturing video every x seconds
30 users
Unhide Nodes
Reveal hidden DOM nodes and elements. Useful when developing a website (especially Single Page Application), where in you often manually un-hide nodes. Also helpful in checking broken websites. Made it mostly as convenience for personal use.
30 users
포털(네이버, 다음)에서 불량뉴스를 알려주는 extension -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 Firefox는 이 addon 을 설치하면 동작. -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 구글 크롬, MS Edge, 네이버 웨일에서 chrome extension 설치 가능 -안드로이드의 kiwi browser에서 chrome extension 설치하여 동작 -애플 ios에서는 ios15 출시 후 safari browser에서 동작 예정
30 users
A Chrome extension to synchronize cookies.
30 users
YouTube AdBlock by Jo
Enjoy YouTube without interruptions!
30 users
Arc Theme (WebExtension)
Deprecated in favor of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/arc-theme-we/
29 users
VIEW: language learning on any webpage
VIEW is an intelligent computer-assisted language learning (ICALL) system designed to provide language learning activity resources.
29 users
Remove YouTube Video Blur
Addon that removes that annoying and distracting blur that occurs in YouTube
29 users
Row Highlighter for Gmail™ and Inbox™
Highlights Gmail and Inbox rows on mouse over with nice and shiny colors.
29 users
Classroom Tools
A presentation tool for masking and unveiling, basic text editing, and hiding sections of a webpage.
29 users
This add-on replaces your New Tab page with a random kanji and some information about it. Choose your own colors and select from a range of grades and update intervals.
29 users
Thin Scrollbar Everywhere
Thin Scrollbar Everywhere
29 users