Relaxing lo-fi tunes directly within your web browser.
9 users
forum.ge text markup helper
9 users
Keyboard Shortcuts
Set custom keyboard shortcuts for Chrome (browse to chrome://extensions/shortcuts).
9 users
Powiększa narzędzie YT do dodawania napisów i dodaje kilka zmian UI w tym narzędziu.
9 users
Word Counter
Counts the number of words on a webpage.
9 users
Twitter Print Styles - Original Images
Simple print styles for saving Twitter threads as PDFs. - Fork of original extension to include image in original size
9 users
Open YouTube videos in a separate window
9 users
INXPO Speed Control
Adds a speed control to INXPO videos that open in that separate window. If videos open in your main browser, you can Shift-Right-Click on the video to control video speed (you don't need this add-on for that).
9 users
Twitter Visible Alt Text
Makes alt text visible for sighted users
9 users
ANIMATED - Colors Extra Dark
A minimal dark theme with animated color-changing highlights. Demo and source code available on GitHub (https://github.com/jennifer-lu/Animated-Colors-Extra-Dark).
9 users
An unofficial extension that adds multiple features to Vaush.gg and other Whitele.af sites
9 users
AliExpress.com Hot Sales Button
Quick button to AliExpress.com hot sales page. Convenient Aliexpress Firefox addon.
9 users
Tired of the Deadspin in your Lifehacker? Too much Jezebel in your Kotaku? CleanKinja adds a degree of separation between the Gawker sister sites. Cross-posts and shared content from blogs other than the one currently being read are removed.
9 users
DAX Ticker
Zeigt die aktuelle DAX-Entwicklung.
9 users
Enable you to play youtube links inside facebook
9 users
VK advanced
Позволяет изменять стили элементов на vk.com
9 users
Discogs: Add All
Add all releases of a format to your Discogs wantlist
9 users
JVC author finder
Met en évidence l'auteur d'un topic de forum jeuxvideo.com en colorant ses posts Couleur personnalisable dans les options
9 users
Calcule ta moyenne générale sur MonBureauNumerique.
9 users
No Spoilers: Youtube
Enhance focus with this Firefox addon: Hide YouTube video time, progress bar, comments, description, recommendations, autoplay and end-card. Enjoy distraction-free viewing. Fully customizable for a better experience.
9 users
Chess.com Skin for Lichess
Replace Lichess's board, pieces & sound effects with Chess.com's
9 users
Kiosk Mode Touch Keyboard
The firefox touch keyboard extension for kiosk mode displays..
8 users
Every event
An attempt to capture every WebExtensions event and log it to the Browser Console.
8 users
Aniwatch Plus
Aniwatch Plus is an unofficial browser extension which will improve your experience on https://aniwatch.me by adding features like a quick search and improving the websites appearance.
8 users
copy the latest downloaded file path
copy the latest downloaded file path
8 users