Hide Chess.com Ratings
Hide Chess.com and Wintrcat's Game Review ratings to help you focus on playing at your best - without distraction.
4 users
NDS Updated Moderation
Rendons l'interface de modération plus agréable.
4 users
Improvements for owler.cloud
4 users
Bring Twitter Bird Back
Brings back the Twitter bird icon
4 users
Transforma binario a texto, y viceversa seleccionando el texto. Autor: taringa.net/BestDravenLA
4 users
Фразы для чата
Список фраз для чата
4 users
Minimal Tetromino Friends
Do you enjoy playing Tetromino Friends games, yet your skill is limited by lag or a slow computer? If so, this is for you! This extension removes everything from the page except for the game itself and the nice-looking background.
4 users
EPD Fancybox deletter
Una extensión que elimina el tedioso clicktrapper del Diario El País (Uruguay).
4 users
Spiceworks remove margin
Removes the side margin on the spiceworks ticket center.
4 users
Github to Stackblitz
This extension add a new button on each repository of Github that allow you to open it in StackBlitz. You will find the new button next the dropdown named "Clone or download"
4 users
Extension for Georgian web-site Forum.ge
4 users
Justice For All Texts
For every <article>, set textAlign = "justify"
4 users
Simple Redirect
Simply redirect all requests from one url to another.
4 users
Trending Hashtag Hider
Hide the annoying and unnecessary trending hashtag on twitter
4 users
Huge Find Indicator
Displays a customizable arrow marker for each result when searching a webpage for text. Allows you to easily locate text on high resolution monitors or webpages with small fonts.
4 users
Goodly Search
New Google search page design. Adds some visual effects and tools.
4 users
Protonmail Avatars
Displays avatar icons for senders in the Protonmail interface
4 users
Annuaire des entreprises
Cette extension permet de retrouver toutes les données publiques détenues par l’administration sur une entreprise ou une association et en particulier les données contenue dans un extrait KBIS/D1.
4 users
YASD with a little change
A "Yet Another Speed Dial Addons" Fork with a little change
4 users
mdBook Auto Theme
🎨 A browser extension for automatically applying themes on websites generated by mdBook.
4 users
Todoist Linkifier
Really, really, really tiny plugin that just highlights links in Todoist Web.
4 users
Spruce - New Tab Backgrounds
High resolution backgrounds for your new tab page.
4 users
Click to Page Down
You can scroll to the next page by simply clicking on the screen. Perfect for reading long articles on mobile devices. 单击翻页,读长文再也不用老是用手指滚动网页,尤其适合移动设备。
4 users
YouTube Layout Tweak
Improves YouTube homepage layout to be more desktop friendly with increased amount of videos per row.
4 users
SoundCloud Track Filter
Removes tracks from stream page with length less than some value.
4 users