Twitter Real Verified
Restore Twitter's legacy verification and change the verification badge from users with Twitter Blue
994 users
Sticky Notes
Simple sticky notes utility which provides facility to make small notes of any thing.
988 users
Search Site WE
Search within the current subdomain or within the entire domain, using the toolbar button or context menu.
987 users
Top and Bottom scroll buttons
Adds scroll to Top and Bottom buttons on all sites
986 users
ÉcoleDirecte ++
Cette extension permet de forcer EcoleDirecte à afficher les données sur vos notes que votre établissement à demandé à ne pas afficher comme les classements ou moyennes générales. Code source:
985 users
Dark Mode Website Switcher
Adjusts the website's color scheme, so that all websites are dark by default, if they have a special design for that. It makes websites look dark even with a light system style.
983 users
Close Tabs to the Left
Adds a menu item to the tab context menu that closes all tabs to the left of the selcted one.
981 users
A third-party tool to improve interacting with GaiaOnline.
980 users
NonStop YouTube™
YouTube running non stop No video paused continue watching, No video ads
979 users
Clipboard Manager
Easily access to recent clipboards via context-menu or toolbar popup.
979 users
Torrentz2 Magnet Links +
Adds magnet links with trackers, movie ratings and more to Torrentz2 pages.
961 users
Format Link
Format a link and copy it to the clipboard in your favorite format. You can use keyboard shortcuts, the toolbar button, or context menus to copy a link. You can escape meta characters, for example ] (closing square bracket) in markdown title.
961 users
Google Sign-in Popup Blocker
Disables the "Sign in with Google" popup.
950 users
Speed Tweaks
Speed up your browser with 7 tweaks via toolbar popup.
950 users
Prettier Lichess
Lichess, but prettier.
950 users
Tab counter
Displays the number of tabs in the active window.
943 users
Open With Photoshop
Open With Photoshop is a new companion for web and graphic designers to open up any web image with Adobe Photoshop via a single and quick mouse click.
942 users
YouTube Video Downloader Audio Converter
Simple YouTube Mp3 Button Just 1 Click Easy YouTube Videos To MP3 Converter And Downloader Express.
936 users
Dark New Tab
Open a blank dark or white tab rather than the default browser's new tab page.
930 users
Defund Wikipedia
Deletes donation notices of Wikipedia.
928 users
Twitter Demetricator
Twitter Demetricator hides all the metrics on Twitter. Follower, like, and retweet counts all disappear. The result lets you try out Twitter without the numbers, to see what happens when you can no longer judge yourself or others in metric terms.
924 users
OkTools - расширение для
Бесплатные подарки, скачивание музыки и видео с одноклассников, красивые поздравления, статусы, собственные темы на сайте одноклассники (,
921 users
Make Medium Readable Again
Improves the Medium reading experience, ruined by user engagement tactics.
920 users
Create a popup of pages with minimal browser UI; No bookmarks or navigation bar.
918 users
Complexity - Perplexity AI Supercharged
⚡ Supercharge your
916 users