SupportXDR is a powerful browser extension designed to enhance your browsing experience and provide convenient access to support resources. This browser extension searches visited websites for Support, Chat, and Knowledgebase keywords.
2 users
YouTube Customizer
Changes layout of YouTube and adds QoL features.
2 users
Image zoom in Google Sheets
Allows to zoom on images in Google Sheets
2 users
RandomRoll is a clean and user-friendly browser extension for generating random numbers (1-100) with a stylish interface and a single-click action.
2 users
YouTube Aeonair-ify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include Aeon
2 users
WhatsApp Web Customizer
This Firefox add-on grays out muted WhatsApp chats, making it easier to identify and focus on important conversations in WhatsApp Web.
2 users
Gmail Link Fixer
Changes Gmail specific links to standard mailto: links.
2 users
Load web pages at 100% zoom level for better experience.
2 users
hide google meet
hides google meet from gmail page
2 users
Omnivox enhancer
Enhances your omnivox experience.
2 users
Dynamic Travel Theme
Shows a new travel theme every hour.
2 users
CSS Radio Box Viewer
Adds a page action to toggle applying CSS to pages.
2 users
Tracking Panda
Track your packages realtime and automatically notified when the shipping status is changed. Tracking Panda is a Firefox Extension which can be used to get tracking status of shipping items.
2 users
Github License Summary
An open-source extension to show license summary on Github repository.
2 users
Redesigns reddit! Replaces thumbnails and low-res previews with full-res images.
2 users
Enjoy Eudata desktop sharing feature
2 users
Query Bench
This Browser Add-on assists you to organize and use Query Parameters for your favorite Search Engines. The Query Parameters defined once, according the rules of the Search Engine, can be use in a very comfortable way.
2 users
Always Amazon Smile
Redirect to the smile subdomain of amazon. Option to whitelist substrings.
2 users
2 users
Seacrh Amazon CA
Seacrhes the selected text on Amazon CA Auto Binary Signals
2 users
노벨피아 추가 폰트
노벨피아에서 나눔 폰트 등 20여개의 폰트(글꼴)를 추가로 설정할 수 있도록 해주는 브라우저 익스텐션입니다.
2 users
Twitch Chat TheHitless Badges
Add Badges to Twitch Chat from TheHitless community
2 users
Fancy Bookmarks Page
Adds a user customizable, decorative full page viewer for bookmarks
2 users
Password Generator
Generate random passwords with options
2 users
Changes to a dark theme.
2 users