GW Locate
Address bar button to view current Google Maps location in a new tab on Wikimapia.
1 user
The Clock
The clock Firefox's Add-On shows time and date quickly. It has background images correspond to the periods of a day.
1 user
Clean Tab - New Tab Page
New Tab page replacement with beautiful photography.
1 user
Discover twitter image alternative text on hover/focus
1 user
GitHub Rulers
Displays a 0, 80 and 120 character stop in the GitHub web editor
1 user
Enables or disables Firefox's built-in Reader Mode globally - no more pointless toggling.
1 user
amz-review prezzi
Attraverso questa estensione si possono vedere i prezzi dei prodotti senza dover effettivamente entrare nella pagina del prodotto su amz-review
1 user
Only today youtube's subscriptions
Get only your today's subscriptions in your feed
1 user
Profitez de vos vidéo en supprimant le bandeau clarify de youtube.
1 user
Clock Background
A clock with a dinamically background image and weather temperature status.
1 user
Stragerize Github Merge Checks
When reviewing merge checks on GitHub, if the list is long, you can end up with an annoyance: The failed, skipped, or stopped checks are not sorted to the top of the list, so you have to hunt for them manually. This simply puts them at the top.
1 user
새 작품 탭
새 탭을 열면 국립현대미술관(MMCA)과 서울시립미술관(SeMA) 소장품 온라인 컬렉션 중 한 작품 설명과 링크를 랜덤으로 보여준다.
1 user
GDQ Schedule Enhancement
Adds a toggle to GDQ Schedule table, which allows hiding already finished runs
1 user
Color web pages text with a gradient that can potentially make it easier to read things
1 user
Light Owl 🌞
Ultimate Light and Dark themes for Firefox
1 user
Met à jours le mode de lecture à 'Tout dans une page' automatiquement.
1 user
A grouper which can group your tabs automatically when you use search engine. regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard :)
1 user
RedSails Dark Theme
Dark theme for
1 user
ADHD Tools
O objetivo dessa extensão é desenvolver ferramentas para ajudar pessoas com TDAH
1 user
Vijaya sur et
Permet une meilleure lisibilité des noms de produits en vue liste
1 user
a classic customized experience for your browser
1 user
A browser extension that brings a new GitHub experience
1 user
Original work: CovHide-19 by Vinney Cavallo. Added wider language support and reviewed for security. Hides virus related content by changing its font color to match the background color. Just activate and enjoy Covid-free surfing.
1 user
Керуйте топ оголошеннями
1 user
Moyenne Scolinfo
Affiche les moyennes par matière et générale sur
1 user