Kick Image Embedder
Embeds image links sent in chat
1 user
Sakura Serenity Background
Transform your browser into a tranquil escape with the Sakura Serenity Background.
1 user
Vivius Homepage
Basit bir şekilde tarayıcınızın anasayfası.
1 user
LeetCode Enh: Confetti Tips
Elevate your LeetCode experience with celebratory confetti for correct submissions, motivational messages to keep you going, and handy coding tips for continuous improvement—all seamlessly integrated into your workflow.
1 user
Instagram Account Bouncer
Instagram addon that minimizes distractions by letting you choose whose posts show up on your homepage
1 user
90s Glory Dial Up Simulator
Do you long for the nostalgia of browsing images on the World Wide Web, only to find them loaded tediously line-by-line and - sometimes - jerking to a complete stop on a painfully slow dial-up internet connection? Look no farther.
1 user
Hides the difficulty of problems on Leetcode.
1 user
Dark reader for RuFoundation. Adds specific dark theme for
1 user
Full YouTube Theater
Hide everything but the video when in YouTube's theater mode.
1 user
YouTube Finotaisen
Modify YouTube Thumbnails to include Finotaisen meme - Credit to MrBeastify for Original Extension
1 user
Simple Adblocker
Ein einfacher Adblocker für Firefox, der Werbung, Pop-ups und Weiterleitungen blockiert.
1 user
Eternal Balance Background
Immerse yourself in the harmonious interplay of light and darkness.
1 user
Twitch Chat Names
Adds the displayname of the user to the community tab on Twitch. This is useful for users of non-English regions or users who has a different display name from their login. 將使用者的顯示名稱添加到 Twitch 的社群標籤中。這對於來自非英語地區的使用者或顯示名稱與登錄名稱不同的使用者來說非常有用。
1 user
Alter Ego
This Firefox extension enhances your experience with ChatGPT by adding visually engaging, emotion-based overlays.
1 user
Simple Grayscale
A simple grayscale extension. You can change whether ON/OFF grayscale only open this add-on and one click.
1 user
Repcentral Extension
Automatically convert links on Reddit and Yupoo to your favorite shopping agent and enrich the page with online information, QC pictures, and more.
1 user
Simple calendar on new tab.
1 user
JetKVM Tweaks
Add UI hiding and stretch toggles to JetKVM interface.
1 user
Aiso爱搜,好用的侧边栏搜索,百度、Bing、Google、Metaso Ai、360搜索
1 user
Create markdown files for caches using a template.
1 user
Mailto Clipboard
Disables opening the mail provider when seeing mailto links and instead copies the mail address to the clipboard.
1 user
New Tab Sand
A sand-themed new tab page. Press any key to make sand fall from the top of the screen. If escape or backspace are pressed, sand will disappear.
1 user
Cookie Hunter
Transforme ta navigation en jeu en trouvant des cookies cachés, gagnant de l'XP et débloquant des collections d'images exclusives !
1 user
Block Solitaire in Google
Block the Google Doodle Solitaire and other potentially addictive Google Doodle games
1 user
Earthquake Screen
Earthquake Screen brings a fun and harmless simulation of an earthquake to your current browser tab!
1 user