Argentina Champion
This extension automatically modifies any website in the following: segundo for segundo (Francia) Segundo for Segundo (Francia) 2023 for 202⭐⭐⭐ Francia for Francia (2°)
1 user
Agora você poderá ver oque tem no cardápio 😉
1 user
Design Dark DuckDuckGo
Change design of DuckDuckGo
1 user
Calendar Event Description with Sentinel-2 Images
1 user
Camo dynamic theme
Colorize your browser based on the website.
1 user
Custom Web Client for 9GAG
1 user
Earth Images New Tab
New tab page that displays pictures from r/earthporn. Clock can toggle seconds by pressing 't'.
1 user
Base64 decoder
Decode Base64 encoded string using URL bar
1 user
Minimal Tab
The bare minimum new tab, providing a simple and clean image.
1 user
Ads Fucker
Fuck the frustrating Pay Per Click (PTC) ads web sites.
1 user
Adds small utilities and interface improvements to KanbanFlow boards
1 user
Prettier Zulip
Zulip, but prettier.
1 user
BlackFox Bot for Instagram™
BlackFox helps you grow your Instagram™ account naturally and also clean it from people you don't want to follow anymore.
1 user
Random time theme
Change the theme according to the user time.
1 user
Purges the ridiculous margins on
1 user
Playeroogle Search
Add-on to improve search on and add new features.
1 user
Mode sombre pour
Applique un thème sombre conçu spécialement pour le jeu « ». Cette extension donne également l’option d’afficher une grille numérotée sur la mini-carte.
1 user
Logo Switcher
Switch logo of the bird-logo site's logo to the original.
1 user
Hide my username
An extension to hide Username while surfing the site.
1 user
Senior Dev Contribution Graph Editor
Show off your contributions on GitHub.
1 user
Disables the CPU intensive glow around YouTube videos in dark mode.
1 user
Clean Number
Clean Number strips non numbers and spaces from text for digit only copy and paste.
1 user
Leetcode relative line number
Change line numbers on leetcode editor to the line number that's relative to the current active line
1 user
1 user
Basic New Tab
This is an extremely basic new tab extension that has a dark charcoal background and displays the current date and time in the center of the browser window. Also, this code runs 100% client side so it should be very VPN friendly.
1 user