newt is a Firefox Add-On that transforms your `about:newtab` into a customizable, Markdown-powered dashboard. Create and edit bits of Markdown that you can organize in any manner you choose. Export your config to JSON for safe keeping.
1 user
Rounded price for Amazon
Rounds up prices on Amazon .com and .ca work for en and fr languages $17.99 become $18
1 user
Umtice Flow
Un nouveau look pour un truc moche.
1 user
Theme Day and Night
A dynamic theme that changes for night and day
1 user
Smart Selection
Smart Selection Search is a free extension for quickly manipulating selected text on the browser.
1 user
StackOverFlow Full Width
Firefox Extension that removes StackOverFlow's sidebars and stretches the content.
1 user
RickRollProtector Outdated
This version is outdated. Use the original. Link in description. Diese Version ist veralted. Benutzen Sie das Original. Link in der Beschreibung.
1 user
Epical wallpapers and support from pip
1 user
YouTube Maslennikofy
Добавьте в превью роликов на ютубе Дмитрия Масленникова!
1 user
Lightweight and customizable home page to enhance your browsing experience and daily usage with your own links, background, theme and other settings.
1 user
Recenters the rfc pages to the center of the browser for the ease of reading
1 user
Améliorer l'UX de sauvegarde lors de l'évaluation d'établissements sur Synae : - plus besoin de scroll : le bouton sauvegarde est désormais flottant
1 user
Warpcast PFP Animator
Automatically replace img src properties on to animate profile pictures.
1 user
Create a quick actions menu when you select text
1 user
Dark Overlay Remover
Many video players display a large dark gradient whenever the page is hovered over or interacted with. This extension removes them all, completely, no setup or configuration required. Just install and enjoy a better video experience.
1 user
Gitlab Chef
Add some recipes to run your pipelinesGitlab Chef is a plugin designed to enhance your GitLab CI/CD experience by providing additional functionality to the pipeline view. This plugin allows you to add extra buttons on the new pipeline view, offering!
1 user
ASN Plus
Aviation Safety Network Plus - Additional Features and Display Options.
1 user
CSS Unit Converter
CSS Unit Converter is a sleek Firefox extension that simplifies converting CSS units. With a modern black-and-white design, it converts between pixels, ems, rems, percentages, viewport width, and viewport height with ease.
1 user
Crunchyroll Auto Refresh (broken atm)
This add-on ads a handy field to Crunchyroll to allow you to auto refresh the page at a certain time and it automatically redirects you to the newest episode after refresh.
1 user
MH+ is an extension that improves the general look and feel of your Minehut dashboard, via several custom themes.
1 user
Identifies SMILES strings and enables mouse-hover to reveal molecular structure
1 user
DarkTheme VK
DarkTheme for VK.
1 user
YT StopAutoPlaylist
Removes list and index from YouTube URL's
1 user
Gatry Shades
Opções de temas para o
1 user
CodeChef Copy
Copy sample testcases from CodeChef with a single click
1 user