F1 TV Playback Controls
Modern playback control for F1 TV
47 users
Eine Erweiterung für Geocaching.com mit welche Geocaches bewertet werden können und die Bewertung anderer User anzeigt. (Nachfolger von gcVote)
47 users
[STG plugin] Delete current group
Delete current group in Simple Tab Groups extention
47 users
Twitter Bird
Extension which returns the Twitter bird icon back
47 users
Wotwizard UI
Le magicien de la toile de confiance
47 users
ToN tracker+
Adds new features to the (already amazing) ToN tracker.
47 users
Mastodon Air
This extension makes your default Mastodon website look much cleaner.
47 users
Fontonic - Customize Fonts
Customize the web's fonts! - Changes fonts of any website with your locally installed fonts - Saves your preferences for future visits to the site - Restore to defaults anytime you want
47 users
Dusky Gray Facebook [Dark Theme]
When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light... Keep your eyes healthy with the best facebook dark theme ever! Full theme, messenger.com and facebook.onion supported! Social plugins/widgets excluded!
47 users
No-inclusive - Convertir l'écriture inclusive
Convertit automatiquement les textes rédigés en écriture inclusive (à point-médian) en textes classiques pour en faciliter la lecture.
47 users
Old Gmail Emoji
A collection of the old-style gmail emojis for easy copy-pasteing.
47 users
Youtube Spoiler Blocker
Blocking video length information from specific Youtube videos to avoid spoilers.
47 users
Remove content blocker
This extension will try to remove every content blocker from pages
47 users
TorrentProject Magnet Link Fix
Removes those endless click-through ad pages when clicking magnet link on torrentProject2.com and torrentproject.cc.
47 users
“GeoClever” for search Google
Do you know how your position look for different cities?
47 users
Avoid haram images & videos on the Internet.
47 users
If a website doesn't have a favicon, Favioli uses an emoji as a favicon.
47 users
Cling Button
Cling is your place for everything, where nothing ever gets lost. Combine your notes, bookmarks, media, and documents on well-structured and beautiful boards. Then, share your boards with others and start to collaborate. Cling is free.
47 users
YT Quick Actions
Provide quick access to hidden YouTube actions.
47 users
Detects if a video is played in a tab and prepends the tab's title with a custom string.
47 users
YouNote - Create personal notes
YouNote - Create personal notes / to-do list
46 users
2048 Prime
An easy-to-use and lite 2048 Game
46 users
Page Scroller
Automatically scrolls down any webpage for you. Either you are reading some lyrics while playing an instrument, reading a book or an article, or just feeling too lazy to scroll down with your mouse, Page Scroller is the right tool for you!
46 users
Simple Vimeo link capture from embeded pages.
46 users
Potok Extension
Расширение Potok позволяет моментально импортировать кандидатов с разных работных сайтов и соц. сетей (сейчас доступны - HeadHunter / SuperJob / МойКруг / Facebook / LinkedIn / GitHub и еще ряд федеральных и региональных сайтов).
46 users