Research Thread Tracker
Track and save research topics and related web pages.
1 user
Flexible Bookmarker
Allows users to easily bookmark web pages and store them in a flexible way.
1 user
QR codes
Generate QR code for current tab
1 user
Readability Mode Elite
Elite reader mode with premium features.
1 user
Software engineer quicklinks. `fly gh apollorion` will take you to ``. Make your flights even shorter by setting the org. `fly set gh-org apollorion` now just `fly gh` works!
1 user
Create bookmarks from json
1 user
Simple Triple Notes
1 user
Open your links without with just a click!
1 user
異なるデバイス間でデータを共有できるメモ帳 can synchronize plain text data(memo) between multiple devices.
1 user
Normfall Manager
Extension for Normfall Manager, allows you to attach Webpages and resources from content portals to Normfall projects.
1 user
Extension helping to search for visited pages through history and tags using the address bar. Also, it shows a list of recently visited pages for a displayed website in the popup.
1 user
Mastery Lookup
Adds a link to see users Mastery Points from
1 user
Pageify extension helps you to manage your bookmarks
1 user
Web Cat - Rolodex for websites
Categorize websites; assign tasks, fields and notes; highlight them at Google search results
1 user
Pretty Good Bookmarks
Bookmark websites on
1 user
Manga Mark
Mark your reading manga and store to server. You need an account to use it. Go to Create an account and generate api key. Enjoy your reading.
1 user
Windbell Bookmarks Extension
Save your bookmarks directly from your web browser, privately and encrypted for only 1 cent each! Bookmarks are stored encrypted on the blockchain, immutably so you never lose your data. Windbell does not track URLs, giving users freedom.
1 user
Imgur favorite favorites
favorite other users favorites easily. this extension adds a heart button to each thumbnail on some users favorite page
1 user
HackerEarth Challenges
HackerEarth Extension keeps you updated with upcoming challenges and other resources on HackerEarth.
1 user
Universal Bookmark Manager
1 user
Stores a page element for later
1 user
Show hatenabookmark count
Show hatena bookmark count on current tab. Also, open hatena bookmark page directly by toolbar. 表示中のタブのはてブ件数を表示し、ツールバーのボタンからブックマークページを表示できます。
1 user
Adds a simple text editor to your new tab page.
1 user
Quickly bookmark any page you have discovered to your account.
1 user
Interest Calculator with affiliate
You can Calculate simple interest and compound interest
1 user