A tool for Mozillians who want to know how many reviews are in their queue in their browser.
108 users
Recipe Cart- View + Save Recipes
Recipe Cart automatically shows you the recipe on any recipe website. From there, you can save a copy, print to one page, view similar recipes, or even buy ingredients from a grocery store near you.
108 users
Black-list websites on Google to weed out low quality search results.
107 users
Advanced GitHub Notifier
Shows notifications when you get a new notification on GitHub (or similar source control services) and provides quick access to all notifications in a popup. Supports, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab and Gitea.
106 users
Freedium Redirect
Navigates the Medium page to Freedium Page
105 users
Manu Auto Correct
Bon alors déjà c'est M. Le Président. Extension qui change toute référence à "Monsieur le président", "Le président de la république" ou bien simplement "Emmanuel Macron" en "Manu". Pour comprendre le code :
105 users
Published Date
This Add-on tries to find out when exactly a website or an article on a website was published and last edited.
101 users
L’extension officielle pour le service
101 users
Bias Finder
Find the bias of any news site you go to!
101 users
101 users
ChatGPT for Wordpress
Make your WordPress blogging easier and faster with the ChatGPT.
101 users
Eliminator Slajdów
Dodatek eliminuje slajdy w galeriach zdjęć na większości polskich portali
99 users
National Bank of Poland currency converter
Currencies based on Polish National Bank current average exchange rates of foreign currencies.
99 users
Obsidian Clipper
A small firefox plugin that let's you easily clip things to Obsidian.
99 users
Temperature Converter
Automatically convert temperatures on websites right from the Firefox!
98 users
NZHerald Unblock
Unblock premium article content on
98 users
Quantum Coffee
Open your daily routine with just one click. Customize each day of the week to launch a different set of pages.
98 users
Scroll to the bottom
Automatic scroll to the bottom of any website
97 users
Medium Unlimited Access
Access all blogs of medium without any cost :)
96 users
Sniply - Drive Conversion Through Content
Sniply lets you embed messages into every page you share. It’s the best way to promote yourself while sharing content.
96 users
Salesforce Lightning Queue Refresher
Provides end-user the ability to refresh Salesforce Queue's for its ticketing system "Lightning". This feature isn't native to the web application, which is why this add-on exists. Preview:
95 users
NoFap Panic Button
This extension provides an in browser version of the NoFap Emergency Relapse Prevention Tool.
95 users
Paper Finder | Discover related academic papers
With the Researcher extension, you can enter any abstract or keywords to find similar academic papers. (OPEN BETA)
95 users
94 users
Mini WeChat
Open a WeChat sidebar on the desktop and send and receive WeChat at any time.
94 users