Попереджає про дезінформацію та збирає повідомлення про маніпулятивні матеріали на інформаційних сайтах
41 users
Salat Time وقت الصلاة
The Salat Time addon is a web tool providing prayer times for various cities worldwide. وقت الصلاة , هي إضافة مجانية للمتصفح تقوم بإظهار مواعيد الصلاة لمختلف المدن.
41 users
Return X/Twitter Link Previews
Bring back X/Twitter link previews with headlines and descriptions
41 users
MeteoSamara.ru - погода в Самарской области
Текущее состояние погоды в городах Самарской области и достоверный прогноз на ближайшие сутки.
41 users
Outline Reader
Cleans web pages of all unnecessary visual elements, retains only the essential content: text, illustrations and images; layout and typography are customizable. In addition, this tool manages a bibliographic database, a persistent offline annotation.
41 users
Just Bitcoin Ticker [PRO]
Bitcoin Price at a glance
40 users
Yet Another Pinboard Extension
Adds an menu button and optional sidebar to view your pinboard bookmarks. Search, create and edit your pins from inside the browser. You can also use "pin " and a search term in the address bar. Set your API key in the addon options to get started.
40 users
Code Medium
Extends the Medium writer interface to quickly create and edit Github Gists, without having to leave the editor. Adds a button in the text toolbar for creating a new Gist and adding it to the post. Double click on an existing Gist to edit it.
40 users
Laconic Hover for TV Tropes
Shows Laconic text when hovering on a TV Tropes link.
40 users
Panel & Notifier for Gmail™
easy access to Gmail via toolbar-panel UI, plus, get badge notifications
40 users
Stream Live — notifications for live streams
Follow your favorite broadcasts on all popular platforms
40 users
Night Mode - Hacker News
Night Mode for Hacker News (news.ycombinator.com)
40 users
Removes 'Virtual Voice' narrations from product listings at Audible.
40 users
Twishare to Misskey
Allow users to share to Misskey from Twitter share button.
39 users
LaPoste Notifier
Notification en cas d'arrivée de nouveaux messages sur laposte.net Connexion en un clic
39 users
Better Newgrounds Feed
An extension which embeds full size artwork directly into the social feed on Newgrounds.
39 users
New Tab - Pocketizer
Unofficial Pocket new tab extension for Firefox You can mark your items as read, delete them or add to your favorites list. You can find your items faster by searching over titles and URLs and adding new items to the unread list. Uses Pocket API.
38 users
Chat Now
Allows Users to chat and share any thing to anywhere in the world easy and fast.
38 users
Boring RSS
A low-permission button to find RSS/Atom feeds in the current page.
38 users
Mastodon4 Redirect
Redirects users from Mastodon4 supported instances to their home instance
38 users
Star Wars Weather
Open a new tab page display a star wars background based on the weather!
38 users
צבע אדום
התרעות צבע אדום כמו בטלוויזיה
38 users
Fire RSS Reader
Reader of RSS feeds
38 users
Removes Most AdBlocker Walls (DailyBeast etc)
Checks all websites if they contain tp-modal walls and removes them, works with dailybeast, gizmodo etc
38 users
Readeon: A Patreon Reading Extension
Transform Your Patreon Reading Experience
38 users