Conversor de Texto
Converte textos para maiúsculo, minúsculo e conta o número de palavras. #addonshackday #MozActivate17
8 users
Novel Updates Notifier
Add a notification icon and reading shortcuts for your Novel Updates reading list.
8 users
No Scrolling on Instagram
This extension removes the explore and reels section of the instagram webpage to make it more difficult to waste time on the app.
8 users
PinPerm - Pin your tabs PERMANENTLY!
PinPerm is like a 290lbs mafia enforcer that keeps your pinned tabs pinned. Even if you close your browser session.
8 users
medium infinity reader
Redefined 'referer' in HTTP header to read medium article. 🇹🇼 繞過 Medium 閱讀文章限制次數,無限暢讀 Medium。 原理:透過修改 HTTP Header 的方式,將來源改成 Twitter。 沒有任何破解行為,請使用者支持正版! 歡迎協助改善,提出建議:
8 users
Like I Give A Fuck
This browser extension changes every occurrence of "Like" to "Give a Fuck" on Facebook
8 users
Tired of the Deadspin in your Lifehacker? Too much Jezebel in your Kotaku? CleanKinja adds a degree of separation between the Gawker sister sites. Cross-posts and shared content from blogs other than the one currently being read are removed.
8 users
When is F1 on?
Shows the next F1 and F2 session times.
8 users
Joker.Tools Toolbox for Firefox with 50+ Tools
8 users
G-Script - Scriptwriting in Google Docs
Scriptwriting in Google Docs! G-Script is a browser extension that allows you to use screenwriting shortcuts and scene & dialogue counter in any Google Doc.
8 users
Trusted Times
This extension identifies fake & unreliable news and helps to identify media bias. It's the only extension that helps you identify bias (if any) in each news article, using Artificial Intelligence and advanced machine learning algorithms.
7 users
Scopri subito se una notizia è attendibile oppure no. Non divulgare notizie false, scoprile con
7 users
Verbirgt News-Artikel über die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2022 in Katar auf deutschen News-Websites.
7 users
ITONICS Web Clipper
Easily clip web content with the ITONICS Web Clipper.
7 users
A simple browser extension to take quick notes.
7 users
WebMedia Capture
WebMedia Capture is a browser extension designed to simplify the process of capturing media content from various online platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and more. With a single click or keyboard shortcut, users can easily take screenshots or record vd.
7 users
Лента новостей Крыма
Последние новости Крыма оперативно.
7 users
Caches articles so you can read them even if it has turned into a plus-article.
7 users
simple weather network
removes clutter from weather network site.
7 users
Feedlynx helps you collect links to read or watch later into an RSS feed.
7 users
Fake News Fighter
I'm tired of the over stimulation, opinions, and nonsense news both CNN and Fox News place on their websites.
7 users
Linky Extension
Add the current page as a bookmark to Linky.
7 users
2ch Captcha Service
Helps with solving captcha on dvach
7 users
Old Reddit Destyler
Removes custom styles from Old Reddit subreddits.
7 users
Revive Telegram links
Revives all Telegram links
7 users