Cá Vui Frenzy
Trò chơi Cá vui nhộn Frenzy có thể câu cá “một cách dễ dàng” bằng cách thả bom
1 user
Netflix Reviews Tab
A Firefox add-on that adds an additional "Ratings and Reviews" tab when viewing a show's details.
1 user
QuickShards for Melvor Idle
Allows for quickly purchasing summoning shards directly from the Summoning skill menu.
1 user
Makes beta.crunchyroll.com think you are in the US.
1 user
Never stop playing youtube videos
1 user
I love Lovelyz
A extension to alert when a new content of the K-pop group Lovelyz has been found by several search engines
1 user
Adapts all the creatures in AoN to be levelless
1 user
Improve ASVZ website features!
1 user
Adds a nice matching border to op.gg and leagueofgraphs pages!
1 user
An extension to add and manage custom items to WaniKani
1 user
Create markdown files for caches using a template.
1 user
Song Resources
Search Google for the chords, tab, lyrics or karaoke of the song playing in the current tab. Compatible with Youtube, Youtube Music, and Spotify.
1 user
Opened TTS
Convert your text to natural language with an openedai-speech server.
1 user
AnGRR Countdown Addon
Countdown in Sidebar.
1 user
Block Solitaire in Google
Block the Google Doodle Solitaire and other potentially addictive Google Doodle games
1 user
Patreon Related Video Remover
Removes the "Related Videos" section from an individual Patreon video post, since they can cause significant audio/video de-sync if enough of them are loaded while playing the intended video.
1 user
YouTube Pearify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include RoyalPear's mascot, Tropius and interface.
1 user
Twitch HLS Player (No Ads)
Add, Choose & Play any live streams at anywhere on Twitch.tv in a custom HLS player!
1 user
Cookie Hunter
Transforme ta navigation en jeu en trouvant des cookies cachés, gagnant de l'XP et débloquant des collections d'images exclusives !
1 user
1 user
MissionChief Enhancer
This plugin adds sidebar that shows the player what kind of emergency response vehicle is needed in the game MissionChief.
1 user
RotMG Cheater Database
RotMG Cheater Database
1 user
Киноафиша России, фильмы в прокате и ближайшие премьеры
1 user
Orange Be Gone
This extension automatically blacks out pictures of Donald Trump where possible. It is for those who want to stay up with the news without being visually assaulted by Dunning-Kruger smugness.
1 user
Revive Enchanced
This addon shows if the current game you are looking at is compatible with Revive.
1 user