Snake 2023
Control the snake, collect food and avoid collision with your own tail. Every time a snake eats a piece of food, it becomes longer, which gradually complicates the game.
17 users
Youtube Ad Skip (2023) (WORKING)
Auto ad skip youtube, whenever new ad is loading it stops it and then seeks to the video where it left. (WORKING)
17 users
Replace images with pictures of Nicholas Cage. What isn't there to love?
17 users
Wilderness Flash Events Notifier
Stay on top of RuneScape's special Wilderness flash events with this Firefox add-on. Get event details, countdown timers, and notifications for upcoming events!
17 users
Youtube Continue
Continues youtube videos when the "Are you still watching pop up" appears
17 users
Streamlink Handoff
Pass video URLs to Streamlink for playback
17 users
Strava bulk remove
Bulk remove activities from Strava - by Paul du Pavillon
17 users
Make Donald Duck Again
Make Donald Duck Again!
17 users
RE in Stryd
Adds RE and CP to Stryd Power Center
17 users
I Love Sudoku
Free, Open Source And Clean Sudoku Game.
17 users
memegen - meme generator
Create and share memes without even leaving the tab
17 users
Cosmostation Wallet
Non-custodial multi-chain extension wallet powered by Cosmostation, the interchain validator.
17 users
Maimai Score Details
Shows percentage lost per score type on maimai DX net.
17 users
17 users
GPX creator Switzerland
Enables easy creation of GPX files from WGS coordinates obtained from the online Swisstopo map
17 users
RSI Star Citizen Status Checker
Checks to see the current Start Citizen server status
17 users
Replace text across all websites using regular expressions. It's like find and replace for the entire internet! You can add patterns via the preferences pages and then when you load a website it'll replace all the text matching that pattern.
17 users
Recherche Google perso JV
Sélectionner du texte, clic droit puis cliquez sur "Recherche Google perso JV" dans le menu, un nouvel onglet s'ouvre avec la recherche.
17 users
Fandom Wiki - Remove Sidebar
Removes the Fandom navigation sidebar because it pops open when moving a mouse between two monitors and stays open. I don't use it currently, but it could also be re-styled to be positioned horizontally.
17 users
Poker 3 Bags
Poker Texas Holdem and other 2 games including author’s game Three Bags. A special feature of the poker game is the ability to view all poker combinations and their names. Learning poker combinations in the game against bots.
17 users
MTG Card Searcher
A quick 'n easy way to search for Magic The Gathering cards. Adds a directed search to the context menu (right click). With this, you can mark text with your mouse, right click on the text and search for the card.
17 users
Just Monika Screen Saver : DDLC
A screensaver of monika from doki doki literature club (DDLC) game with Blinking animations and Dialogues to spend time with monika.
17 users
Removes the need to hover over beatmaps for additional information. The space is already there. Use it.
17 users
Firefox extension where you can play a different retro game each day from the website
17 users
youtube timer
My youtube watching behavior beta: For the moment, it shows how much time you have been watching Youtube and notifies you on a periodic basis that you specify on the options page.
17 users