Adds a button for tabs with a URL containing '/de-de/', '/de_de/' or '/de/'. When clicking the button it tries to open the en-us version of that URL in the same tab.
11 users
Translate Hattrick forums and speak any language easily
11 users
Phonetic Alphabet
Drop Down to easily see the phonetic alphabet
11 users
GrammFix: AI Writer Helper
GrammFix includes grammar correction, style improvements, translations, and more. Works on all sites. Free to use.
11 users
Grammar Checker
Make your English communication flawless by rectifying grammar, spelling, and syntax mistakes existing in any kind of text with GrammarChecker.com
11 users
Converts custom font characters to standard alphabetic characters.
11 users
When select a word, open a pop-up panel with de 'Cambridge English-Spanish dictionary'
11 users
Disable automatic Reddit translation
Removes the ?tl= parameter from Reddit URLs and reloads the page.
11 users
Công cụ order hàng trên hệ thống Đặt Hàng Quảng Châu - DatHangQuangChau.com
11 users
Accept Language Switcher
A webextension which allows to change the Accept-Language header. The purpose is to quickly change the header in order to test a website against multiple languages.
11 users
TranslateBase: Provide comprehensive,accurate and convenient AI intelligent translation tools.
11 users
sitelen pona in Google Docs
Allows sitelen pona characters to be rendered in Google Docs and Sheets, with support for Google Slides hopefully coming in the nearby future.
11 users
Instant Tamil
View Tamil meanings easily while browsing.
11 users
JS Search Extension
The ultimate search extension for Javascript!
11 users
LingLook - Lookup Chinese
Learn Chinese effortlessly while browsing! LingLook is a browser extension that instantly looks up Chinese words as you hover over them on any webpage!
10 users
An editing writing mistakes tool over text-areas
10 users
Lemmy Language memorizer
Remembers your last used language in a lemmy post so you don't have to select it again!
10 users
Latin dictionary
Translate Latin words (one at a time) by selecting them and choosing this extension in the context menu.
10 users
Lyrics for Spotify
This is an unofficial extension that puts back the Spotify Lyrics!
10 users
Force English Content
Forces localised web pages with poor or outdated translations to redirect to the original English content. Handles the following websites: docs.microsoft.com, developer.mozilla.org, reactjs.org, developers.facebook.com
10 users
Greeklish to Greek
Change Greeklish characters to Greek - Greeklish σε Ελληνικό κείμενο
10 users
Word up!
Double-click a word to see its definition (from Wordnik).
10 users
Ĉapelisto converts webpages written in Esperanto from "ikso-sistemo" to tradicional Esperanto alphabet ("Cxapelisto" to "Ĉapelisto"). --- Ĉapelisto konvertas aŭtomate retpaĝojn el la ikso-sistemo al la tradicia supersigna sistemo.
10 users
JAWS Inspect is a web developer tool that reports how JAWS screen reader "sees" and "reads" a web page.
10 users
macht.sprache. for sensitive translation
Minimize discrimination in translation.
10 users