Yoru AI Translator
Translate selected or copied text using the Yoru Stories Translation API
6 users
CantoDict - English Meaning
Adds a search engine that searches CantoDict (http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/) for an English meaning.
6 users
ChatGPT Everywhere - DaisyAI
Text prediction and more with the power of ChatGPT
6 users
Imperial to Metric
This add-on converts measurements from imparial units to metric units in web pages.
6 users
1C Configuration Translator
Расширение, которое позволяет выполнять перевод интерфейсов 1С конфигураций. Работает совместно с инструментом Bilist Translator
6 users
Download any subtitle on Vimeo
6 users
Jisho.org Search
Search for English-Japanese translations on Jisho.org
6 users
Вимикає показ російськомовного контенту у результатах пошуку Гугл
6 users
Translate selected text on Google Translate
Opens new tab with Google Translate for selected text. Currently only English to Polish, but will expand soon.
6 users
Kanji Meaning
Allows you to quickly see the meaning and reading of kanji.
6 users
Mini Translator
Translate a text to a different language
6 users
Beautifies Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Pashto and other right-to-left (RTL) languages
6 users
Improve English Vocabulary
Improve your english vocabulary with word cards every time you open a new tab.
6 users
Switching between en-us and another language
Create a link to switch en-us in Microsoft URL to another language and vice versa.
6 users
Monlam Translator
A simple translation tool using Monlam API to easily translate English to Tibetan text.
6 users
Translates a few words on the page in order to learn languages without much effort.
6 users
words-100-helper 新百词斩助手
6 users
Ollama Translation
这是一个简单的划词翻译扩展,调用本机的Ollama API。支持英文到简体中文的翻译,选中英文,然后在右键菜单中选择“翻译选中的文本”,翻译速度取决于Ollama响应速度,就是大模型的执行速度。这个翻译速度很慢,相比其它扩展,主打的就是一个大模型+离线翻译。
6 users
Languages.ai Extension
Translates words and enables you to save them to your lists and to repeat them everywhere on the web.
6 users
[ZNI] Netflix euskaraz
Eusko Jaurlaritzak Open Data Euskadi atarian argitaraturiko azpidatziak Netflixen automatikoki kargatzen dituen gehigarria da.
6 users
AI Buddy - ChatGPT Everywhere
Use chatGPT everywhere, in every input field, start by typing gpt: and end your prompt with a semi colon (;)
6 users
Copy Link & Text as markdown
Copies the link and text as a markdown link with a bullet point: -[link text](link)
6 users
Context menu to translate with OALD
5 users
Extracts word information from Jisho with a single click and downloads it as an Anki deck file.
5 users
Wiktionary Popup
When you select a word with thjs addon enabled, a small symbol will appear next to the selection. Click this symbol and you will be able to access the definiton of the word as well as navigate through Wiktionary using regular links.
5 users