Add notepad to the sidebar.
42 users
Detector nova aba E-orbis Detector de CID para o E-orbis. Só funciona no ERP E-orbis, não serve para ser usado fora de conjunto com o ERP E-orbis.
42 users
Shortcuts For Zoho
Easy navigation to all of Zoho's services in a single dropdown panel.
41 users
Bandwidth Analyzer
A tool that helps you analyze used data to help you not exceed your monthly data cap, It's NOT yet in its full capabilities!
41 users
Jisho To Anki
A tool that makes it easy to quickly add words from into your Anki decks
41 users
Coursera Quiz Printer
Unlocks printing of practice quizzes, real quizzes, and exams on
41 users
Bitcoin Crypto News
Cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin and Coindesk News. Also ethereum, litecoin, cash. Price flutuation charts. Wallet and price ticker.
41 users
Google Images by Exact Size
Search images on Google by exact custom width and height from any web page
41 users
Twitch Reward Clicker
Clicks on the twitch reward button automatically. That's it.
41 users
JS Beautifier settings tweaks
Changes to have 4 spaces, no wrap, and be JSLint-happy by default.
41 users
Text To Binary
Allows you to write text (in any language or using any emojis) and converts it into binary for you to do with as you please. You can easily copy-paste both the text and binary output.
41 users
PwdCrypter Extension
PwdCrypter extension for special copy and paste feature
41 users
DuckDuckGo's Dark Theme at night (unofficial)
Unofficial add-on that switches to DuckDuckGo's dark theme at from a during a specified time window and switches back to desired light theme otherwise. This addon is open source:
41 users
Auto Capitalise Sentence
Firefox add-on to automatically capitalise words while typing.
41 users
Advanced Frame Designer with gradients
A tool to design frames directly in the web page. The integrated color picker supports also harmonic colors. Also shadows, border-image, gradiends, transform definitions and blend-mode are supported.
41 users
ChatGPT API Client
A module for interacting with the ChatGPT API
41 users
Open University Video Downloader
Download videos from any course you are enrolled in, to watch it later offline.
41 users
Copy Download Links
Makes it posible to copy k2s, uploaded and rapidgator links. If all links already exist in clipboard, close the tabs
41 users
Simple time track
"Simple time track" may tracking time for many tasks. You can change name, link, time for any task or just remove task. Icon of the "Simple time track" show You current status (don't have task, task is running or all tasks is stoped).
41 users
PDGA Rating Tools
Extension to add useful features to the PDGA website's Ratings Detail page for disc golfers
41 users
Recover-E: Form manual recovery. Recover input and textarea elements after form crash/refresh/close.
40 users
SpotifyTree is an extension that provides full access to playlists and saved albums in a tree view and controls the Spotify Web Player through a quick and easy popup player.
40 users Button
Adds button to the toolbar
40 users
FL Mystery Sorter
Show Fallen London's 'Mystery of ... City' qualities in sorted order.
40 users
Container Color Theme
Change theme colour based on your container color
40 users