Wacgpt is a free browser plug-in that allows you to get ai forces. Just choose the Chinese word on the web page, which is for your ai support!
19 users
UzHack.RU - ответы к UzTest
Ответы к тестам и тренингам онлайн системы тестирования UzTest.RU
18 users
Allows running a specific set of operating system commands
18 users
Reminder to check Google Calendar at startup
Reminds you to check your schedule on Google Calendar at browser startup and every 5 minutes until acknowledged.
18 users
The simple chronometer
18 users
A Non-subscriber's Tool
A tool for automatically dismissing the modal dialogue asking you to subscribe on Substack. I just want to browse. I don't want to subscribe. And I am too lazy to click the button to dismiss the modal dialogue on Substack.
18 users
A simple and lightweight notepad in your browser. Just click an icon on your toolbar to open it.
18 users
Open videos and audio from Youtube, Soundcloud, Twitch and more in a floating window
18 users
Replace the new tab with a list of Github trending repositories. Apply a filter by technology and period. Light and dark modes.
18 users
SoundCloud repost blocker
Removes reposted tracks in your SoundCloud stream
18 users
AutoSave to Wayback Machine
Automatically saves the pages you visit to the Wayback Machine.
18 users
SubscribeStar Fixes
Fixes SubscribeStar annoyances
18 users
Move to an already opened tab
Go to the tab that has already been opened.
18 users
Teraz z naszą wtyczką LingoDay do Firefox możesz dodawać nowe frazy z całego internetu. Wykorzystaj obcojęzyczne artykuły, newslettery, social media i inne, aby jeszcze wygodniej budować swoją bazę językową!
18 users
Math Equation
Required TeX markup language to take math here, there, or just about anywhere that images are supported.
18 users
Site Performance Optimizer
Optimize the performance of the new tab page. Improve page loading times, reduce resource consumption, and enhance responsiveness for a smoother browsing experience.
18 users
ChatGPT Bulk Delete
An extension to bulk delete ChatGPT conversations
18 users
Power BI Report Previewer
The Power BI Report Previewer extension is dedicated to enhancing your report browsing experience in Power BI. It serves a single, clear purpose: to make the process of finding and selecting reports in Power BI as straightforward and efficient as pos
18 users
YouTube Nyan Cat - Meow Meow
Animated Nyan Cat progress bar theme for YouTube!
18 users
Configurable Text Utilities
Provides many fully-configurable utilities for quickly manipulating, transforming, and/or copying selected and/or editable text
18 users
Archive-It Wayback Proxy Mode Toggle
Allows users of Archive-It, a subscription web archiving service of the Internet Archive to toggle Archive-It proxy mode on and off without having to change their Firefox settings.
18 users
Apica Script Recorder
ZebraTester dropdown to control recording of browser sessions. NOTE: May change proxy settings, browser cookies and/or cache.
18 users
Иванчевски правописен конвертор
Променя правописа на думите в страницата, използвайки правилата на Дриновско-Иванчевския правопис: - добавя краесловните ерове при думите завършващи на съгласна - поставя буквите 'ѣ' (ят) и 'ѫ' (голям юс) на съотвените места
18 users
Surf facebook smoothly, no longer lag as before
18 users