Trello progress
Adding progressbar to the trello card's background, based on completed check items.
16 users
Redação Paraná Advanced
Habilita o copiar e colar nas áreas de texto do Redação Paraná.
16 users
16 users
Proton Switch
Quickly switch between Proton Mail accounts with this add-on. No need to visit the Proton Switch page everytime, instead just open the extension popup and click the account to which you want to switch. Completely open source!
16 users
Pomodoro Blacklist
Minimalist, gently dystopian Pomodoro timer and site blocker
16 users
Is Gatsby?
Tell if a page is built using Gatsby A small extension to tell if a site/page is built using Gatsby. Extension icon shows up in Gatsby's purple color if the page appears to be built using Gatsby and grayed out if it's not.
16 users
Isanalyzer, pour Image Size Analyzer, permet de découvrir en un seul clic quelles images sont redimensionnées à la hausse ou à la baisse côté client.
16 users
Replace bookmark webextensions
Replace a bookmark's content without creating a new one. Ideal for following webcomics. - Only one bookmark for the domain: replaces it without prompting. - No bookmark: offers the option to create it. - More than one: Show list to choose from.
16 users
Extends AniList with data from MyAnimeList (powered by
16 users
DIM Wishlist Builder
Build a large DIM Wishlist through
16 users
Bing to Ecosia
Bing to Ecosia combined with Edge deflector ( ) lets you search privately through cortana tool bar with Ecosia instead of Bing. It is powered by Louis Grasset's Addon: bing-to-duckduckgo. All grades goes to him.
16 users
Cheerie - You Search. We Donate.
This extension sets your new tab page to Cheerie - the search engine that saves animals with every search.
16 users
Entgendern nach Phettberg
Vereinheitlicht die gängigsten Sorten von Binnen-Is, Sternen, Unterstrichen etc. auf besuchten deutschsprachigen Webseiten und entgendert sie nach der Methode von Phettberg.
16 users
AWIN Integrator
All in one tool for the integration process. This plugin is used in the process of integrating the Awin tracking tags. It allows you to see if the First/Third/S2S cookies are being set correctly and also records Img/JS Awin tracking tags.
16 users
Bachhpan is a powerful browser extension designed to enhance online safety for children by giving parents greater control over their internet browsing experiences. With bachhpan, parents can establish a secure online environment for their kids,
16 users
Redirects URLs accessed depending on a given regex and formatting functions. Automatically or manually!
16 users
Allows answer viewing on
16 users
Claude RTL
Add RTL support and persian font to Claude messages
16 users
Page Dimmer
Adjust the opacity of any webpage to reduce eye strain.
16 users
Skip the hassle of Duo, and get right to work by logging in to your institution with just your browser!
16 users
Add to 2Do
Adds a button to create a task in 2Do for the current website.
16 users
Quick note
Allows the user to make quick notes by clicking a button and entering text into the resulting popup. The notes are saved in storage.
16 users
Cleary is a URL redirector that helps employees find information at their company quickly. Type go/<some-link> in the browser and it'll redirect to the link registered in Cleary. You must login to your Cleary account before redirecting works.
16 users
编程学院 - 在线交互式编程学习平台。在几秒钟之内启动在线编程环境,超过70种预制编程环境可用,支持自定义编程环境,随处可用。 7天免费试用。
16 users
To Fastdic
A shortcut to access Persian explanations of English words.
16 users