oneClipper oneNote web clipper
Clip article,selected text, images to oneNote. Take screenshot & save to oneNote. Faster & more user-friendly than official oneNote
986 users
Translator (2)
Translate selected or entered text
985 users
Официальное расширение браузера Firefox для Госплагина.
985 users
Ultrawide Netflix
This extension will fulfill a 21:9 screen when watching 21:9 content (Normally movies). Just click the icon while watching a movie on Netflix and then go fullscreen! This project is Open Source:
985 users
Max Tabs (Web Extension)
Set maximum number of opened tabs in a window.
979 users
Tries to play links in mpv. Press the toolbar button to play the current URL in mpv. Otherwise, right click on a URL and use the context item to play an arbitrary URL. You'll need the native client here:
972 users
E-SIGN (Asseco Lietuva, UAB)
Document electronic signing and users identification with ID card or USB token, used by products of "Asseco Lietuva, UAB".
971 users
方便的网页英汉划词翻译工具。 选中需要翻译的英语单词或句子即可查看中文释义,单词释义支持音标和发音。 可自主输入单词或句子进行翻译。 可自定义划词窗口打开关闭方式。 可自定义划词窗口风格。 支持右键菜单整页翻译,选中文本翻译,链接文本翻译。 数据来源可选:有道词典、海词词典、金山词霸、必应词典和谷歌翻译。
966 users
eyeCare - Protect your vision
Notifies you in multiple ways to take breaks and helps you with eye exercises based on 20-20-20 rule and with lower back exercises.
965 users
Universal Web Clipper
Clip anything to anywhere.
964 users
Close All Tabs
Close all open tabs. Optionally close pinned tabs and incognito mode tabs. Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + W.
961 users
Google PDF Viewer
Allows you to view pdf files with the google pdf viewer.
958 users
Traffic Ad Bar Surf Bar
A companion to which enables you to view a wider range of websites and earn more points.
948 users
GetGo Download Helper
GetGo Download Helper is a Firefox extension to help you download video, music, picture and software from websites. Web downloading has never been easier!
947 users
Abadis Persian Dictionary
Abadis Online Dictionary And Translator This addon is full dictionary and translator for persian user that translate word and sentences. Dictionary and translator from: - All language to persian - persian to All language
945 users
Multi-Keywords Highlighter
Highlights given keywords on any web page you visit.
943 users
Enable Copy Extension
Allows copying text from any page. This extension blocks scripts that prevent copying of information on the site, as well as styles that prevent it.
942 users
Discord Token Login
login to discord with a user token
941 users
Plug 🔌 the Internet Computer (IC) crypto wallet browser extension and identity provider, An easy-to-use browser extension that allows you to hold, send, and manage IC tokens & NFTs with just one Principal ID and log into IC apps! 🔥
936 users
Dodatek do podpisu cyfrowego dla przeglądarki Firefox. Współpracuje z oprogramowaniem firmy ABC PRO Sp. z o.o.
936 users
Custom New Tabs
Load any URL you want when a new tab is opened. CNT is the only add-on to place the focus intelligently on the chosen web page (like a search engine's search box) or in the URL bar!
932 users
Speed Reader
An extension to help you read faster and more thoroughly.
930 users
Pins the same websites across browser restarts.
929 users
Count me up - Word and character counter
Word and character counter
923 users
Tree Style Tab Mouse Wheel
This add-on requires Tree Style Tab. It extends Tree Style Tab to allow tab changing by mouse wheel scrolling and reloading a tab when double clicking it.
916 users