Search with Bing
Adds an option 'Search with Bing' in the context menu(right click menu), to search for highlighted text Want to fiddle with source code? mail me at
245 users
Assets CDN
244 users
Royal Spanish Academy Dictionary (Search Provider)
This extension installs the Royal Spanish Academy dictionary search engine
244 users
Lepšia očkovacia registrácia
Vylepšenie (NCZI) očkovacieho formuláru. Pridáva ukladanie vyplneného formuláru. Ide o alfa verziu, prosím skontrolujte si správnosť údajov po doplnení.
243 users
Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar to take control of deezer tab.
243 users
Firescape Navigator
Show the Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer loading animation in Firefox
243 users
Video Ads Blocker for Youtube™
Removes all annoying ads and banners from YouTube!
243 users
World Clock
Display multiple world clocks in toolbar popup.
241 users
Close duplicate tabs
Finds and closes duplicate tabs by URL. Will assume that URLs in different contextual identities are not the same URL and will not be closed.
241 users
当用户在火狐的【网络设置】中配置过代理之后,此组件可以一键启用或禁用代理。红色圆圈表示正在使用系统代理配置,单击会使圆圈会变成绿色,表示正在使用手动代理配置,可以上Google和Facebook等国外网站了。 注意:安装此组件,必须要允许此扩展在隐私窗口中运行,否则无法正常运行。详见屏幕截图。
241 users
Disable Youtube™ HTML5 Player
Disable Youtube™ HTML5 Player
240 users
Enable Google Generative AI
Enable Google Generative AI in Firefox.
239 users
Time Tracker - Web Habit Builder
Track time, analyze your habits and block addictive sites
239 users
Sidebar for Firefox
238 users
Developer Notes
See and post notes on developer documentation.
237 users
DevTools z-index
Adds "z-index" panel to DevTools. It shows ranking of elements sorted by z-index value. This would help you to reduce z-index numbers. Stop `z-index: 999999` !!
237 users
Toolbar Weather
This extension shows in your toolbar the current weather and the degree in Celsius, when you click is possible to see more details about the weather in your city. In addition to being able to view the forecast for the next 24 and 48 hours.
237 users
List Highlighter for Trello
Highlight lists
237 users
Edit text in your favourite external editor!
237 users
2FA Authenticator in Browser
2-Factor Authenticator Tool in your Browser Sidebar
237 users
Eyes Alarm
Notice you it's time to take a break!
236 users
PDF to File
Convert PDF to image (JPEG), text (TXT), and documents (EPUB, FB2, DOCX, PPTX, XML, JSON, CBZ)
236 users
Google Classroom To-do Sidebar
Adds a button that shows Google Classroom To-do in the sidebar.
236 users
TextForma SE
235 users
DeepSeek Assistant
DeepSeek Search Assistant helps you access DeepSeek everywhere in your browser
235 users