Sidebar for Google™ Search
Easy Access to Google search via Sidebar UI
193 users
SD Downloader
Easily download publicated files for private copies from Studydrive. This extension is not affiliated with or endorsed by Studydrive.
192 users
Share access to websites without giving away your username and password. Share access with an Access URL instead.
192 users
养基宝 - 实时查看基金收益
192 users
Open video in a new tab
Adds a context menu option to open videos in a new tab
192 users
Play media on current URL in external application. Best used with mpv and youtube-dl. Please visit the Homepage for more info, known issues and issue reporting.
191 users
Watch UK TV
Watch UK TV channels via TV Catchup and iPlayer Watch any of 58 UK freeview channels live streamed right in your browser. BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 ,Channel Five, Film 4, Dave etc
191 users
Amazon Affiliate Tagger
Automatically adds one's affiliate tag to the amazon webpage and can redirect to Amazon Smile if desired
191 users
Tab Discard (Suspender)
Easily suspend inactive tabs and save up memory for your browser.
191 users
Send to Todoist
Quickly create tasks in Todoist using a context menu shortcut and access keys.
190 users
Se connecter
Nouvelle version - Connectez-vous plus rapidement et plus facilement Cliquez sur le bouton bleu "+ Ajouter à Firefox" → → →
190 users
Inbox When Ready for Gmail™
Protect your focus... spend less time on your email.
190 users
Word Editor
A free & easy-to-use word editor extension for your browser.
190 users
Auto Copy on Select - ACS
Just select the text and it will be auto copy to the clipboard. It doesn't work in [] domains. テキスト選択をするだけで自動でクリップボードにコピーします。 「」のドメインでは機能しません。
190 users
Huntflow Magic Button
Recruitment Automation Software
187 users
Multi-Tab Close
Close multiple tabs on a single click. You can close all tabs, all tabs except active tab, tabs to the right, tabs to the left or empty tabs. Supports context menu
187 users
Analog Clock
A simple analog clock on toolbar
187 users
Duolingo Boost
Duolingo Boost enhances Duolingo website for even better language learning experience.
186 users
Enables the Gopher protocol in Firefox 59+ using the Onyx native component (free and open source, available for Linux, Windows and macOS).
186 users
No More Mobile
Redirects mobile pages to classic (desktop) pages
185 users
Quantum Hackbar
Hackbar port for the new WebExtensions API. It's redesigned and optimized to work with the new Firefox Quantum. It sits in your DevTools - Click F12 to open it. Any suggestions and/or issues are welcome :)
185 users
ShortcutKey2URL (WebExtensions)
ShortcutKey2URL for Firefox WebExtensions is an extension for Firefox that allows you to open, and move url using shortcut keys. You can also run JavaScript. I released WebExtensions version in Firefox 60.
185 users
YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform
Enables YuJa Panorama visualizations for end users. This includes alternative formats, analytics gauges and accessibility reports.
184 users
FreeConferenceCall Scheduler
Schedule Meetings with
183 users
Always Preview (obsolete)
Allows you to preview most pdf files with the pdf reader.
183 users