Kaner YouTube Downloader
This add-on will allow you to download YouTube Videos with all available options (audio-video, video-only, audio-only) from youtube.
411 users
Silence Window
Use Ctrl+Shift+U or click the icon to mute a window. Also mutes new tabs on a muted window.
410 users
Netflix Hidden Categories for Firefox
Access 20,000 plus hidden Netflix categories. Plus more features. Search and find Netflix's Hidden Categories. Netflix has thousands of hidden categories, this extension helps you unlock many of those secret categories.
409 users
HDrezka Helper
Adds a «Download» button below the video. Export favorites and more.
408 users
Google Art Project
Art Project masterpieces from Google Cultural Institute in your Firefox's new tabs WebExtension replacement: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/new-tab-time-date/
405 users
Change the speed of medias, adjust video filters, skip Ads automatically, flip videos horizontally or vertically, rotate, etc. Adjustable filter parameters: brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.
405 users
Save Webp as Jpg on 9gag
Saves all Webp Images as Jpg on 9gag
405 users
Popcorn - Ratings for Netflix
Non-disruptive IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and Douban ratings for Netflix shows.
405 users
Usuwa slajdy na kwejk.pl, gazeta.pl i innych portalach.
403 users
Возвращает видеоплеер на сайт Шикимори (shikimori.org и shikimori.one) с возможностью загрузки видео!
403 users
Permanent Progress Bar for YouTube
Display tiny progress bar on YouTbue player even in the fullscreen mode
401 users
Turn Off YouTube Comments & Live Chat
Turn off YouTube comments and/or hide YouTube live chat on videos.
401 users
Open Image in New Tab
Customizable context menu item for opening images in a new tab. No icon is shown in the context menu. The following options are currently available: * Open tabs in background (don't focus newly opened tab) * Open image next to current tab
401 users
View Image for Google Images
Bring the 'View Image' button back to Google Images (for both desktop and mobile view)
400 users
Dark Theme for Instagram™
A highly customizable dark theme for Instagram homepage and search
400 users
SVG Export
Download SVGs from websites as SVGs, PNGs or JPEGs
397 users
Remove Twitch Recommended Channels, Live Chat
Hide Twitch recommended channels, live chat, and related videos.
394 users
Plex Pace
Control the playback speed of Plex Web App player. Lightweight, with custom speeds and keyboard shortcuts.
393 users
393 users
Cheese Knife - CHZZK Toolkit
This extension adds various useful features and tools to CHZZK™, NAVER™'s streaming platform.
391 users
Fast Image Blocker
Blocks all images and visual contents on desired websites
390 users
Open With Adobe Illustrator
Open With Adobe Illustrator is a new companion for web designers, graphic designers and in general whom like to use Illustrator.
388 users
Linked Image List
List the links to the images in the page.
388 users
387 users
Block Image|Video
Easily block all images and videos within a website!
386 users