SpeedMaster: Custom Playback Speed for Videos
This addon allows you to break free from traditional speed limits on any video website. With the ability to set customised playback speeds without constraints. SpeedMaster also lets you add quick buttons for instant access to your preferred speeds.
43 users
Reklamsız İzle
Dizi ve film sitelerindeki reklamları kaldırır
43 users
Generate QR Code
Generate QR Code for the active tab
43 users
Video Audio Booster: Enhance Volume and Enjoy High-Quality Audio
43 users
XPaint image editor and painter
Create or edit images with XPaint
43 users
Movie Meter
Movie meter will show you Movie (TV Show) rating and popularity plus information about next episode on many movie related pages! Including Netflix!
43 users
Encourages the HTML-Renderer to use high-contrast - nearest-neighbor-like image and video scaling. Say goodbye to bilinear!
43 users
Local Video Player
A minimalistic and comfortable UI for playing locally stored video files, supports loading directories as playlists
43 users
Shikimori Player Extension
Video player extension for Shikimori.one
42 users
Imgur Grid View
Automatically switches to grid view when an Imgur album or gallery is opened.
42 users
YouTube Shorts as videos
Watch YouTube Shorts as normal videos.
42 users
Tabs Media Controller
Control audio and video elements from all tabs from the toolbar
42 users
Video Speed Controller MV3
Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind HTML5 audio/video with shortcuts. This is a fork of the original Chrome version updated to Manifest V3 (allows you to disable access to all websites).
42 users
Hide Mouse for HBO Max (for Firefox)
Hide the mouse while viewing a HBO Max video. A port of the Chrome extension by Nate Diven.
42 users
Crunchyroll Gratis video
Permite ver todos os vídeos do crunchyroll gratuitamente. e agora mais atualizado para voces
42 users
YouTube Hide Controls
Hides YouTube media controls on pause.
42 users
Only Images Dmtr.org
Removes anything from a webpage except images. Useful when you have an image blocked with another transparent image over, or some transparent div disallowing you of showing full image url.
42 users
Facility for providing camera functions such as capture.
42 users
youtubeからサムネイル画像を落とすソフトです。 Firefoxでyoutubeの動画ページを開いて、 ツールバーのアイコンをクリック。クリックすると 1280x720、640x480、480x360の画像がダウンロードされます。
42 users
Image Blocker Pro
This addon blocks all of the images (except SVGs) - and it really works!
42 users
YouTube Search New Tab
A YouTube tweak that allows to open search results in a new tab so you can search the next video without stopping the current video.
42 users
2ch(5ch.net)のスレ上に貼られた画像を一括でダウンロードするソフトです。 5ch.net、open2ch.net、bbspink.comに対応してます。 画像をダウンロードしないで画像urlを表示する機能もあります。
42 users
SpotifyTree is an extension that provides full access to playlists and saved albums in a tree view and controls the Spotify Web Player through a quick and easy popup player.
41 users
Netflix Helper
This Netflix extension control volume with the mouse wheel, and auto skip intro.
41 users
Youtube Watchmarker Mobile
Automatically mark videos on Youtube mobile and desktop that you have already watched. Resume videos from last watched location accurately.
41 users