Social Survey and Surveillance Platform for Websites and Online Applications.
0 users
Blues Security Assistant
An extension that provides personalized security advice.
0 users
Pecking away at web anti-patterns, such as preventing paste clipboard events on form fields.
0 users
Soporte de Investigación Online
Herramienta de búsqueda y utilización de OSINT, basada en marcadores para fines específicos en Tucumán (Argentina),
0 users
Supexo - Cyber Security for Blockchain
0 users
Reddit Redirect
This is a firefox extension that redirects requests from reddit.com to the endpoint of your choice. Defaults to old.reddit.com.
0 users
Social Media NoNanny
Removes Social Media Nanny Alerts
0 users
PrivaNote Extension
Offline first, end-to-end encrypted note taking.
0 users
Secure User Portal Browser
An extension for more secure connections to captive portals
0 users
Quick access to Borke in your browser!
0 users
e-Sewa Balance Amount Hider
It hides your balance of esewa with a click. You can use it for free. You can also create a apparent amount which is 180 for prank and while loading the amount might be seen but click on the icon as son as possible. There are 3 buttons.
0 users
Are you interested in knowing, what happens with cookies? Here you can have just a browser button, to get you one click away from the mail. According to EU law you may ask for that: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CEL
0 users
Random Password Generator
Generates random passwords with a slider and copy them to clipboard.
0 users
Hackaton blocker
Redirects to another page when a specific page is accessed
0 users
Active Tab Cookies
Display all cookies in the active browser tab.
0 users
Privacy Monitor Basic
Displays real-time privacy protection status.
0 users
Quickly copy aliased emails to the clipboard
0 users
Summarize privacy policies, highlight key points and potential concerns
0 users
Your bookmarks folders are on new tabs, just on your tabs. There is no cloud, no account... There is respect for your privacy.
0 users
Bloque tous les sites qui ne sont pas ajouter dans la liste blanche, très utile pour les sites qui balance des dizaines de popup sans rien pouvoir faire. Mon script les bloques tous.
0 users
Semana f0f
Protege tu privacidad evitando tener que registrarse en semana.com para ver sus artículos.
0 users
Addon for erdetfake.dk der viser resultaterne direkte på Facebook
0 users
Encrypt/Decrypt tweets with your friends and family!
0 users
Bloquea novedades no deseadas de u-cursos (Por ahora, las del OpenLab)
0 users
Prevent [some] events to be captured
0 users