Joshi Koukousei Captcha Service
Tired of solving captchas all day? Don't want carpal tunnel syndrome young? Have dyslexia? Then Joshi Koukousei's Captcha Service is here for you! Using a small machine learning model, JKCS saves you time by solving 4chan captchas for you!
902 users
Browser Cleaner
Easily clear your browser's data and speedup browsing via toolbar popup.
900 users
Overlay Remover Auto
Automatically close detected overlays / popups on enabled websites (on page load and/or on timed intervals)
896 users
Blacklist AutoClose
Automatically close all blacklisted webpages specified by the user.
893 users
Link Cleaner+
Clean URLs before opening a link, removes trackers, rewrites redirects pages such as of Amazon, Facebook, Steam, Reddit (more to come!) and AMP urls.
886 users
VPNCity Extension - keeping you stealthy online
Go stealth online worldwide with our Firefox proxy extension. Simply choose your location and slide to connect – it’s that simple! VPNCity will keep you secure, private and completely anonymous whilst browsing the web.
883 users
Kasm - Open In Isolation
Open links safely in Kasm Isolation
883 users
Dodatek do podpisu cyfrowego dla przeglądarki Firefox. Współpracuje z oprogramowaniem firmy ABC PRO Sp. z o.o.
883 users
Sticky Window Containers
Tabs open in the same container as the first tab in the window.
882 users
Cache Cleaner
Easily clear browser's cache via toolbar popup.
878 users
TrustLogin - IDaaS (Identity as a Service)
Cloud-based Single Sign-On, password management, ID management solution for Corporations. Manage logins to web apps (Google, Office 365 etc) and service with a single password. Suppress password reuse, manage groups and view reports.
872 users
Youtube's Annotations No More
Disable Youtube's annotations.
866 users
Webtime Tracker
Discover your browsing habits! Time tracking at its best.
866 users (AnonAddy) - Anonymous Email Forwarding
Open-source Anonymous Email Forwarding. Quickly and easily view, search, manage and create new aliases in just a few clicks using the browser extension.
862 users
Psono - Free Password Manager
Psono password manager, store and share your passwords securely.
860 users
Code Verify
An extension to verify the code running in your browser matches what was published.
859 users
ORGanizer for Salesforce
ORGanizer - The best Salesforce Extension ever
858 users
Moesif Origin & CORS Changer
The most popular and feature rich CORS tool on Chrome (over 100K weekly active users) is rebuilt for Firefox with more features. This plugin allows you to send cross-domain requests. You can also override Request Origin and CORS headers.
855 users
Burner Emails: Easy, Fast, Disposable Emails
Detects email fields as you browse and fills them with a burner email address that forwards to your personal email address
852 users
Blockchain DNS
Resolves domains from decentralized blockchain name systems using BDNS public web API. Currently supported TLDs are: .bit (Namecoin), .lib .bazar .coin .emc (Emercoin).
851 users
X Cancelled (Nitter)
Use Nitter instead of Twitter.
849 users
Open in Private Mode
Open the active tab in a private window via toolbar button or context-menu.
848 users
Content Security Policy (CSP) Generator
Automatic Content Security Policy (CSP) Generator. Generate a Content Security Policy header in minutes on any website. Built by
848 users
Proxy Checker
Check the quality of your proxies' IPs in bulk.
847 users
Pure URL
Removes garbage like "utm_source" from URLs
836 users