Sideview Plus: Multitask w/o Second Monitor
Supercharge multitasking without second monitor
179 users
Search Highlighter
Search and highlight keywords in any page via toolbar popup.
178 users
Ads Cleaner
Remove the ads from the Search Results pages of Search,,,, and so on
178 users
Kitspace 1-click BOM
Quickly fill shopping carts with electronic components.
177 users
Goodreads Easy Search
Easily search Goodreads with right-click! This addon adds context options on selecting text to search Goodreads with that text. You can "Search Now" (immediately show the search tab) or "Search Later" (open up the search tab in the background).
177 users
Available Reads
See your local library's ebook availability right from Goodreads! This extension adds a simple listing of copies available from Overdrive/Libby on each Goodreads review page and in your Goodreads bookshelf.
177 users Extension
My Agent Extension - automatically convert all links on reddit and yupoo to your favorite agent; enrich the page with online information, sales statistics and QC pictures. Works with all shopping agents and the Weidian, Taobao and 1688 marketplaces.
176 users Metasearch
Adds to the browser metasearch engine with small CSS Quality of Life additions.
176 users
URL として開く
選択したテキスト内に含まれる URL を、コンテキストメニューから新規タブで開きます。h 抜きなど、プロトコルのない URL も https か http に補完して開きます。選択した URL を一時的に記憶して、あとでまとめて開くこともできます。
175 users
Open doors - Scribd pages reveal
This extension is to help you scape from weak registration popups. You only need a click. This is the openable sites for free: - If you think we should get rid of certain website, can write us at
174 users
Allegro - Znajdź Niepromowane
Plugin przeszukuje kolejne strony katalogu Allegro w poszukiwaniu ofert niepromowanych, automatycznie przechodzi do tej strony i przewija do pierwszej oferty.
172 users
Marginalia Search
Easily add Marginalia as a search engine in Firefox.
172 users
GPS Coordinates for Google Maps
Add a button to Google Maps to get super quickly the GPS coordinates (latitude & longitude) in different formats.
172 users
Displays a direct 'View' link and 'image dimensions' on images at Google Image search.
172 users
171 users
Naver Search
(Unofficial) An extension which adds as a search engine.
170 users
CCH® Browser Search
View your CCH® research product content inline with results from your favorite public search engine (subscription required).
169 users
Adds a context menu item to search for a selected word in the PONS online dictionary. Clicking the menu item opens a new tab with the search results on Languages can be changed on the Add-on's settings page.
169 users
Google Search keyboard navigation
Increase your search efficiency by ignoring your mouse and use either TAB, arrow keys or Vim style j/k to focus Google Search results.
169 users
Look up dictionary by using Right Click
Right click on text and show contextmenu to call external dictionary by using Uri scheme. dict:/// Uri scheme is supported by default on macOS. However, you can use a simple script to translate the Uri scheme for other dictionaries on other OS.
168 users
Editale qrcode generator.
168 users
Swiftly navigate to any search engine. Search selected text/images/links using tiles/context/drag & drop. highlight searching text.
168 users
Ortografía, gramática y diccionario
Herramienta para consultar dudas sobre ortografía y gramática. Incluye buscadores en varios diccionarios. Sinónimos, Antónimos, conjugador verbal y separar en sílabas
168 users
Wondertab is a minimalistic extension to make your new tabs shine.
167 users
Engine Switcher
Switch current search result page between various search engines (DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, StartPage, Bing, Google) in just one click, if you are tired to type !b, !g (especially on mobile) again and again in DuckDuckGo.
167 users