리뷰언즈 엔서포터
네이버 검색 키워드와 블로그 글을 분석하여 검색엔진 최적화 된 콘텐츠를 작성하는데 도움이 됩니다. 블로그 글 작성 시 글자 수 표시와 MS워드 내보내기 기능도 제공됩니다.
60 users
Force SafeSearch
Forces SafeSearch on Google. Makes every search a safe search.
60 users
EN: Check if your favorite website is mining or not. Developed by Adan K. Martin & Jose C. Garcia Gamero ES: Comprueba si el sitio está minando criptomoneda desde tu navegador. Desarrollado por Adan K. Martin & Jose C. Garcia Gamero
60 users
COUPONS.DE - Nie wieder Gutscheine verpassen
Gutscheine, Gutscheincodes & Coupons für tausende Shops
60 users
WordReference dictionary
Translate without leaving the page.
60 users
Debian queries
Easy queries of Debian-related sites using the text in the clipboard.
60 users
Stackoverflow Shortcut
Search directly Stackoverflow from the address bar
60 users
Search Rutracker (sort by number of seeds)
Search provider for Rutracker, results sorted by the number of seeds.
59 users
BOE Comparador
Extensión No Oficial para comparar modificaciones legales publicadas en el Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE).
59 users
Live Chat Overlay 2.0
Restyle the YouTube popout chat so you can overlay it for livestreams
59 users
Youtube Piped redirect
Open source and minimal permissions addon that redirects from Youtube to piped.video or any other URL that you can set.
59 users
Google Date Keeper
++ Date @ Google Search
59 users
Google RU Поиск
Поиск на сайте google.ru
59 users
Google Search to Youtube Redirector
Redirects Google search results to YouTube videos
59 users
_rozi Wiktionary and Google Translate
This add-on provides the translation and definition of the word under the mouse pointer as a tooltip. Just press [Ctrl + Shift]
59 users
Strike Out Nofollow Links
Just strikes out nofollow links via CSS3 selectors.
58 users
Кэшбэк для Алиэкспресс и иных - Zozi.ru
Верни максимальный кэшбэк 10% с AliExpress, + еще 90 000 мест, и кэшбэк с любых чеков.
58 users
Asuka.IO Whois - Domain Name Lookup Tool
This extension allows you to lookup the domain name information easily. By clicking the addon button or selecting from the context menu, you can display the domain name registration information of the site you are currently browsing.
58 users
3D Models Search Engine - Yobi3D
Show 3D models search results from Yobi3D.com in Google search results page. Type any keywords with the term '3D' or 'Model' on Google to also search from Yobi3D.com
58 users
Disroot Search (Unofficial)
Unofficial, open-source webextension that adds https://search.disroot.org as a search engine. Please review Disroot's privacy policy: https://disroot.org/en/privacy_policy
58 users
TROBO El motor de cerca dissenyat per a catalans
58 users
Reverse Dropshipping
Track down the original source of dropshipped items quickly and easily with our comprehensive search tool.
58 users
add a "urban Dictionary" entry in the context menu (when a word is selected), which opens a new tab for the highlited word.
58 users
Context Web Search
Search for selected text or link text with any one of the browser's configured search engines via the page context menu.
58 users
Office Web
Displays online office documents in the browser (.doc*, .ppt*, .xls*, .odt)
58 users