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10 users
Genius Search for Youtube
Search the Lyrics of a Song uploaded to YouTube on Genius.com
10 users
Phân tích từ khóa - Keyword Planner
Cung cấp đầy đủ các chỉ số quan trọng như: khối lượng tìm kiếm, độ khó từ khóa, mức độ cạnh tranh, dự báo nhu cầu tìm kiếm ...
10 users
PaceMan extension
A compact version to use the website paceman.gg, it opens their api, but in the popup, from there you can see all the info and go to the livestreams in any tab you want
10 users
Kleines Helferlein für die Suche nach Inhalten unter freier Lizenz. OER = Open Educational Resources Mehr Infos: https://oerhoernchen.de
10 users
Random VK
Открывает случайную страницу или группу ВКонтакте.
10 users
Advanced Font Settings
Customize per-script font settings.
10 users
Advance query searches in many engines, by using '/' at the start of the url search bar How to cook .pdf Turns into +How to "cook" filetype:pdf Forcing the engine to show PDFs with the word "Cook" on the title and more...
10 users
URL Collector
Collect URLs and endpoints from a webpage. Egyscan Helper Will Help Pentesters and security researchers to find the endpoints easliy
10 users
Word up!
Double-click a word to see its definition (from Wordnik).
10 users
Расширение позволяет зарабатывать реальные деньги за просмотр рекламы. Вывод денег на Qiwi, Webmoney, Яндекс.Деньги и Perfect Money.
10 users
an add on that saves your tabs
10 users
MindFlow - productivity, adhd, dyslexia
🦊 MindFlow An accessible browser extension for users with ADHD and dyslexia
10 users
Amazon(US) Search
Like a product? Want to search it on Amazon US store, this extension will add a Search Amazon entry in the context menu for quick search on Amazon
10 users
Visualisez gratuitement l'historique des prix des annonces immmobilères diffusées sur les plus importants sites immobiliers français tels que seloger ou leboncoin.
10 users
Startpage - POST
It adds the Startpage search engine to firefox using the POST request
10 users
Adds a search engine to use NVSearch.
10 users
Whoogle Search (localhost:5000)
Adds Whoogle(needs to be hosted locally at port 5000) as the default search engine in your browser.
10 users
APK Downloader
Download offline Android Apps and Install on Mobile from your Computer.
10 users
AWS S3 URI to Console URL
Parse an AWS S3 URI to generate a Console URL
10 users
Search JustWatch (US verison)
Search JustWatch.com/us for any highlighted text.
10 users
Google SERP Extractor Tool
Monitor your website's performance on Google search results with our powerful Keyword SERP Ranking Tool.
10 users
VideaČesky.cz na YouTube
Zkontroluj si, zda je video na YouTube již přeložené na Videacesky.cz. U každého videa přehrávaného na YouTube zobrazí, zda již není toto video přeložené do češtiny na videacesky.cz. Případně můžeš jednoduše požádat o překlad.
10 users
Fire Find
Quick Find features. Search results in one location. Navigate to links in just a few keystrokes.
10 users
Parafrasear Textos
Parafrasear textos es una de las mejores herramientas parafraseó.
10 users