Amazon Book Research Helper
Adds at-a-glance information to the top of Amazon book listings to reduce scrolling. Shows if the book was self published, rank, rating, reviews, age in weeks, review/age ratio, page/word count, and can be expanded to show rank in all categories.
25 users
Check It Out
Used on eBay or Amazon, we'll remind you when you are not buying directly from the manufacturer or a retailer you know and trust.
25 users
Click on extension toolbar button (or use a shortcut) on an Amazon page in order to open it's Camel Camel Camel page.
25 users
Cashback Service –
SecretDiscounter is your one-stop for Cash Back shopping online. Earn up to 40% cash back on every purchase! Over 4,500 stores & thousands of coupons, promo codes, deals and discounts. In-store cash back. Highest cashback rates. Free to join!
25 users
Trooper checker
Toont een balkje bovenaan websites die Trooper ondersteunen, zodat je niet vergeet om naar de site te surfen via de Trooper-pagina
25 users
eBay Actual Sold Price
See the actual sold price of an item on eBay when an offer was accepted.
25 users
UCapture is the free and easy way to combat climate change when you shop with over 25,000 stores. UCapture also automatically applies coupon codes so you can Save Money, and Save the Planet!
25 users
Otwarte Klatki - Przypominajka
Dzięki FaniMani średnio 2.5% z tego co i tak zapłacisz podczas zakupów w internecie trafi do Stowarzyszenia Otwarte Klatki
25 users
Meta Quest Store Affiliate Redirector
Adds 10% off to every Meta store game using Minibattlelop's creator code.
24 users
BDS Helper
Identifies companies complicit in the Israeli occupation by replacing the text on your screen with a big ❌️ around the name of the company, letting you know to avoid them. Help contribute:
24 users
Aliexpress Tracking
Позволяет удобно отслеживать посылки заказыв сделанных в на Add-on allows to track Aliexpress parcels right on order page.
24 users
eBay Seller Location
Add's the seller's real account location to classical eBay item pages.
24 users
Официальное расширение для браузеров от сервиса, которое позволяет легко получать товары прямо со страниц сайтов!
24 users
Price History
This extension shows a price history chart for Ukrainian online shops like Rozetka, Moyo, Allo, Foxtrot, Eldorado, Comfy, Fotomost, Collar and Jysk
24 users
PC Magazin Schnäppchenjäger
Verpassen Sie keine Schnäppchen mehr! Mit dem PC Magazin Schnäppchenjäger, der kostenlosen Browser Erweiterung für Firefox, finden Sie beim Online-Shopping immer den besten Preis.
24 users
Find Amazon products on AliExpress
Search for similar Amazon products on AliExpress
24 users
Verpassen Sie nie wieder OnlineBonus mit dem moingiro!-BonusRadar
24 users
Currency converter by Honzaik
You can easily convert any currency via this extension.
24 users
Amazon Prime Filter
Filter your Amazon searches for Amazon Prime products.
23 users
اصالت سنج نماد اعتماد الکترونیکی
این افزونه توسط مرکز تخصصی آپا دانشگاه سمنان برای اصالت سنجی نماد اعتماد الکترونیکی سایت ها و کسب و کارهای اینترنتی ساخته شده است.
23 users
YouMeWho Save Button
Save items to YouMeWho lists
23 users
Price rounder for Amazon
Rounds up prices ending with .99 on Amazon.
23 users ilan geçmişleri
Emlak, araba-otomobil ilanlarının fiyat geçmişini, başlık-km gibi bilgi değişikliklerini görebileceğiniz tek uygulamadır.
23 users
23 users Pripomináčik Pripomienkovač vás upozorní na cashback a zľavové kupóny priamo v obchodoch.
23 users