Τελική τιμή στο Skroutz.gr
Τελική τιμή στο Skroutz.gr!
11 users
Leboncoin Immo
Affiche le prix/m^2 sur la page de détail des annonces immobilières.
11 users
Trooper checker
Toont een notificatie op websites die Trooper ondersteunen zodat je zeker niet vergeet een lokale vereniging te steunen. Ondersteund voorlopig nog maar 60 Trooper websites, Meer worden later toegevoegd.
11 users
Getyourmoneyback - Gewinne Deine Einkäufe!
11 users
Switch Scores
Adds reviews scores and other informations on the Nintendo site.
11 users
AT Price Tracker ZA
Show price history on AutoTrader South Africa (ZA) and track price changes automatically
11 users
BINGO! Search
While browsing the web site, you can search on your favorite search engine at any time. In addition, select the search you want to text on the web page, it is also possible to quickly search from the right-click.
11 users
Auto eBay Feedback
Automatically leaves eBay feedback for all transactions
11 users
cdiscount.com button
11 users
Yeppon Club
Un'estensione del Browser che ti avvisa quando navighi su un sito web con un cashback di Yeppon.it
11 users
ReviewTube - Amazon video review
View video reviews directly on Amazon.com
11 users
DealsPlus Cashback & Coupons
Earn cashback & find the best coupons from your favorite stores
11 users
Removes ref from amazon links(de, com, co.uk) before: https://www.amazon.de/Amazon-Fire-TV-Stick-Alexa-Sprachfernbedienung/dp/B07PVCVBN7/ref=abc after: https://www.amazon.de/Amazon-Fire-TV-Stick-Alexa-Sprachfernbedienung/dp/B07PVCVBN7
11 users
Kleinanzeigen Plus
Erweitert Ebay-KleinAnzeigen um zusätzliche Funktionen
11 users
Swip is a extension that improves your shopping experience by saving you money.
10 users
Fun-C vous reverse une partie du montant de vos achats ! Soyez prévenu lorsque le marchand que vous visitez propose un CashBack.
10 users
Call Snippy's
Adds a button to easily call Snippy's from item description pages on Delcampe or eBay.
10 users
Amazon Product Search and Shopping
Unofficial Amazon US product search and shopping extension! Search Amazon products directly from your Firefox search box (Omnibox).
10 users
JD search by image
JD search by image allows you to easily find similar products on JD, Taobao, AliExpress, Alibaba, 1688 and Made-in-China.com
10 users
BMI Score Calculator
Calculator to calculate your BMI.
10 users
Kobo Price
Find lowest book price on kobo.com https://github.com/fotonmoton/koboprice?tab=readme-ov-file#dollar-kobo-price
10 users
Ad Radar
An extension that shows you information about the ads you see online.
10 users
Auction Defender eBay sniper
Auction Defender toolbar button. Adds a button and menu item to add eBay auction to Auction Defender
10 users
Gutschein Finder Shoppingzeit
Informiert Nutzer beim Besuch eines Webshops automatisch darüber, ob für den Shop ein Gutschein vorhanden ist! Super easy!
10 users
Tlačítko Tomikup
Tomikup tlačítko se zobrazí při návštěvě libovolného e-shopu. Přidejte produkt do svého wishlistu pouhými dvěma kliky. Anebo si takto uložte nápad na dárek pro přítele. Až přijdou Vánoce či narozeniny, víte přesně co koupit. Konec zbytečných dárků!
10 users