Reddit comments button tweaker
FEW COMPATIBILITY PROBLEMS with "RES" extension! Resize or hide comment action (flat-list) buttons under each comment to reduce the clutter for easier reading. This addon won't change the buttons inserted by RES (Reddit Enhanacement Suite) addon.
2 users
Facebook Spotifier
Плагин, позволяющий в удобном формате прослушивать музыку из вашего аккаунта Spotify в Facebook. Пятая бета-версия.
2 users
PubExchange Link Shortener
Create and share shortened links to your partners' articles while you are reading them
2 users
An unofficial mod of Hotot, the famous and lightweight Twitter client, now with more than 1000 changes than the original version, divided among (many) bugfixes, improvements and additions of new functions.
2 users
FynLink™ - Private URL Shortener
The privacy-first URL shortener with zero ads & trackers. Start free without an account or API key.
2 users
CleansingX: Twitter X Filter
Filter and hide unwanted content on (formerly Twitter) to enhance your browsing experience.
2 users
Twitter/X Link Copy Pro
Copy tweet links in a custom format with just one click.
2 users
RelicDAO Ads Extension (powered by Artifact)
2 users
improves the imood frontend in different ways
2 users
CommentGPT: AI Comment Assistant
CommentGPT uses AI and image analysis to create context-aware comments for social media. Works on all major platforms. Free to use.
2 users
Linkpack extension for Firefox
2 users
Facebook To ICalendar
A button that allows one to export Facebook event metadata as ICalendar files.
2 users
Visualize your page access. Let's trace a docuverse.
2 users
Send this tab to a friend
2 users
Slack Beeegmojis
Makes emojis in Slack bigger so you can actually appreciate them.
2 users
Cut fbclid
2 users
Super Mario Maker Course ID Linkifier
Converts all text in the Super Mario Maker Course ID format, on all websites everywhere, into that course's permalink on the Super Mario Maker Bookmark web portal, and adds a second link to bookmark the course without leaving the page you're on.
2 users
SciBase is a platform for crowdsourced reviews of academic papers. The extension adds a browser button that gives you access to our database at the touch of a button. An indicator shows whenever a paper you are currently researching.
2 users
Make Twitter Helvetica Again
Segoe UI? Sounds good, doesn't work. Helvetica is great, the best.
2 users
Quick and easy emoji typing and substitution Start typing in any text box and use colon (:) followed by a search, to quickly lookup emoji. eg. ":poo" to search and add the poo emoji
2 users
L'extension du contre-pouvoir citoyen ! Accédez aux différents outils de la plate-forme i-boycott, suivez l'actualité de l'association sur les réseaux sociaux, et soutenez-nos actions !
2 users Recipe Importer
Import recipes into from around the web. Just visit a page with a recipe and click the icon.
2 users
Hide tweets including specified words. (WebExtensions)
2 users
SteemSwitch will add a taskbar menu that allows easy switching between pages on,,, or, allowing for easy transition between alternative views.
2 users
Twitter Mobile video in tab
Permite cargar un video de twitter en una pestaña aparte para poder, por ejemplo guardarlo.
2 users