XRPTipBot Statistics Link on Twitter
Adds a link in twitter to the XRPTipBot statistics page of the user who tweeted.
0 users
Extension chrome et firefox pour suivre les lives d'Awolnes
0 users
Hide tweets based on verified status.
0 users
Use imgur albums as custom emoji sets on any site
0 users
Narrative Dark Mode
Dark Mode Extension for Narrative
0 users
Dharana Online Extension
Ad free Internet by direct rewards to Creators
0 users
Twitter Design Sanitization
Sanitizes and beautifies the new Twitter design.
0 users
Take Diversion
Watch YouTube videos on alternate privacy friendly frontends like invidious.
0 users
Social Fade
Limits the use of registered sites for a certain period of time.
0 users
Goread.io firefox extension will allow you easy access to your https://goread.io account which you can use to grow your instagram account organically right through your firefox browser.
0 users
Partisan Gauge
Determines your 'partisan alignment', based on news sites accessed in your browsing history. The partisan alignment is a score from -5 to +5 on a political spectrum.
0 users
Etre au courant quand JoJ est en live, accéder au planning de la semaine et liens vers les réseaux sociaux
0 users
Vacina Coronavirus
Uma vacina para o coronavírus na internet
0 users
Personalized Send Button
Recipient Name and Photo within the "send" button, reminds you of your intended recipient. No more accidental Email to wrong person.
0 users
Wirosky - Extension
Soyez au courant quand Wirosky lance un live !
0 users
This extension allow you to leave any meet conference without you even being at the computer.
0 users
Keep in
Build an Extension to save Linkedin messages!
0 users
Telex Redirecter
Redirects from index.hu to telex.hu.
0 users
Stop Worrying. Experience Nirvana. Stop reading the News! 'Free' sites monetize YOU. Flip the script - don't buy into the hype.
0 users
New Travel Theme
Checks the users time and then shows a travel theme every hour.
0 users
Lets you WrItE lIkE tHiS eAsIlY (alternating upper and lowercase). Just hold the ctrl key and click on a text field, you will be prompted for your text, and it will then be inserted at the end of the selected text field.
0 users
By downloading the K Tribes extension, you will earn rewards and K Tribes will donate money to your local community for each extension installation
0 users
good god to theos theory
anna kronism woke up one day and wondered what her bible read like if the occurrences of the word god were replaced with a word sounding a little less like "goods" and a little more like "theos", e.g. theory.
0 users
Ben Hanan Subendran
Quick Links
0 users
Native Instagram Dark Mode
This extension enables the hidden Instagram dark mode.
0 users