A minimal new tab page to calm you down and inspire new ideas!
1 user
Pinned LIHKG
Create/switch to the pinned LIHKG tab by clicking the button.
1 user
Replaces your new-tab screen with a sticky note board
1 user
It basically tracks the url of the marked webpages for the sake of future reference...Any webpage can be added and saved for future use as well as the currently open tab can be added easily
1 user
Camo dynamic theme
Colorize your browser based on the website.
1 user
Ariba DocumentID Webjumper
Easily jump to an existing document on the current realm by the document's ID
1 user
Container Buddy
Provides support for addons who want to support Containers features, but do not wish to annoy users not interested in such features. Workaround for bug 1386673. __WARNING__ see bug 1663547 caveat below (applies to all Containers support addons.)
1 user
Bookmarks On New Tab
Bookmarks On New Tab
1 user
WebExtension for TouchpadGestures Advanced
This Application was created to work with TouchpadGestures Advanced. You can switch tabs in a popup window by stroking the touchpad down with 3 fingers.
1 user
iRemember - New Tab Replacement
We replace your New Tab page with important events and anniversaries in your life so you never forget what matters!
1 user
Quipu is a simple Pinboard powered session manager.
1 user
DealTabs - browser tab organizer
Browser Tabs\Windows saver and organizer
1 user
BastionPass - Intuitive Password Manager
1 user
Supersurfer - Copilot for browsing
Supersurfer is a copilot for the web. It surfs the links from the current page to give you a preview of how interesting they are.
1 user
Containerise CE sync
Firefox extension to automatically open websites in a container (Community Edition with Firefox Sync)
1 user
New tab button (dark mode)
Toolbar button to open new tab with user's newtab content (dark mode)
1 user
WBR_K's Launcher
Overrides the new tab with WBR_K's Launcher.
1 user
Link Advisor (+ New Tab Page)
Link Advisor is a browser extension that adds security features. It adds a button that displays known information about a website when pressed. It uses a local copy of our reputation database for this. It also improves the new tab page.
1 user
Cheap Vps Rental
Calculate VPS price
1 user
YouTube Control Hider
Hide YouTube playback controls with Ctrl+Shift+Y shortcut
1 user
Ctrl+Number to switch tabs in reverse order
This extension adds keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs in reverse order. Ctrl+1 switches to the last tab, Ctrl+2 switches to the second to last tab, and so on.
1 user
Tab Toss
Unbookmarks current tab and closes it.
1 user
Domain Redirector
Create rules to redirect/replace domains.
1 user
ClearEverything MIST
Open-source! ZERO data collection. With a single click clear your browsing history + cookies. Features hot-keys, 1 (or 2) click clearing, scheduled deletions, and more!.
1 user
ViewPortViewer allows you to explore your website's presentation on various mobile devices. Test layout and responsiveness seamlessly for improved user engagement.
1 user