Napirajz plugin
Napirajz már a böngésződben is. Új tab-ra kattintva aktuális vagy random rajzok rombolják a munkakedvet. E! Külön köszönet Flamis 'spartalos' Somának, az eredeti Webextension pluginért.
20 users
Working Tab Saver
Save your tabes when You finished working and you want to do other thinks and reload it when you want to work again.
20 users
SearchScene – The Charitable Search Engine
SearchScene is a search engine that donates 95% of its profits to major international charities, especially those that focus on climate change. By adding this extension, you make SearchScene your homepage, your new tab and your default search engine.
20 users
Close Tabs to the Left Menu Item
Adds a "Close Tabs to the Left" item to the tab context menu
20 users
Open link in new discarded tab
Adds 'Open link in new discarded tab' option
20 users
ActionTab -- 美观、智能、⾼效的新标签⻚为您开启美好的⼀天,⽤ActionTab享受智能办公。
20 users
Copy Link Title (WebExtensions)
Copy the title of the link.
20 users
Easy Screenshot tool (Screeno)
Easy Screenshot tool for making a full page or partial screen capture with further edit, download or text adding.
20 users
Tab Origin
Return to the page from which you opened a tab. Also in Chrome:
20 users
Random Unusual Wikipedia new tab
Redirects to a random unusual Wikipedia page when you open a new tab, because when you're opening a new tab you're looking for a distraction and that distraction might as well be a weird fact. Or show random Cognitive Bias, or Philosophical concept.
20 users
Close Similar Tabs
Close tabs with same protocol and host name from current window. Shows tab count as well. Requires minimum permission.
20 users
Search and find the tab you want or auto filter opened tabs similar to the active one in a fast, clean and smart approach. Perfect when you need to handle many tabs.
20 users
Advanced bookmark & tab manager with bookmark bar, labels, sticky notes, trash...
20 users
A browser extension for accessing GPT-3 while browsing or viewing PDF files.
20 users
Send Tab To
Easily move tabs between browser windows
20 users
Copy Shopee
複製蝦皮購物的短網址。 Copy URL into a shorter one.
20 users
Tab Closer for Zoom
Close the tab automatically once you join your meeting
20 users
Photos for New Tab Page - A Photographic Start
A Photographic Start is a new tab page for people that want a beautiful start to every tab. A subtle clock is available, and most pictures present the camera settings used as well.
20 users
Now Playing - OBS
Firefox extension for Now Playing - OBS project, which can be viewed by the gitlab link in the description.
20 users
Toggle Zoom Text Only
A toolbar button to toggle "zoom text only"
20 users
Regex Tab Filter
Hides all tabs whose title or URL doesn't match a regular expression. To use, type 'tf' followed by a regular expression into the address bar.
20 users
Browser Injector
Injects CSS and Javascript into pages.
20 users
Speed Dial
新标签页扩展, 可以展示书签.
19 users
Displays a popup where you can add notes for your web pages
19 users
Help you save the web page in group with one click and open it at any time.
19 users