Auto-reduce Tabs
Close tabs before getting too many; Forcibly limits the number of tabs. You can change the limit.
11 users
Новая вкладка
Когда пользователь открывает новую вкладку, браузер вместо неё открывает сайт (визуальные закладки, speed dial) и автоматически логинится на этом сайте, используя указанные в настройках расширения логин и пароль.
11 users
New Tab Container
New Tab Container allows you to specify a container from the Multi Account Containers extension to automatically open all new tabs in.
11 users
minimize current window
minimize current window. Useful for navigating without navbar
11 users
Popup Player for Spotify™
Control Spotify web player from a toolbar popup (includes play, pause, skip previous and next tracks)
11 users
Text Search
Searches the selected text on user defined search platform
11 users
Focus a tab with window.focusTab() function
11 users
Tab Monitor
Monitor your tabs for changes!
11 users
Custom Content Filter
Block elements that match your custom filters
11 users
StartPage - Best New Tab Startpage
This extension automatically sets as your new tab page.
11 users
Copy Tab Link
Adds an entry to a tab's context menu to copy the tab's URL to the clipboard.
11 users
Delete tab browsing history
Delete the browsing history of the page displayed by the forward and back buttons of that tab. The browsing history of pages that are not displayed by going back and going back even if the pages visited in the past on that tab are not deleted.
11 users
11 users
Experience masterpieces from world-renowned museums in every new tab.
11 users
Move Active Tab to Last
Automatically move the active tab to the last position of the tab bar when activated, assuming it is not a pinned tab. WebExtensions alternative to the legacy extension "Auto arrange tabs."
11 users
Soundful Tabs
Allows the user to manage and organize their tabs that create sounds of the current window in a toolbar button. Can navigate to tabs that are muted or playing within the toolbar button. Can mute/unmute tabs present in the toolbar button.
11 users
In Page Lookup
Highlight a word & press some keys and a Wiki article will present itself before your eyes for your reading pleasure. Press some other keys and gone will be the article so you can continue on your browsing journey knowing just a bit more on a topic.
11 users
11 users
an add on that saves your tabs
11 users
GPT Sidebar
Opens ChatGPT in the sidebar.
11 users
titlePreface - add a name to the window title
If you organize windows by topic, you may want to add a preface to the title bar for easier spotting. **Please see description for link to earlier extension for this!**
11 users
Reload All Tabs
Reload all tabs with a single click.
11 users
Youtube AutoCloser
Automagically close the current Youtube tab at the end of videos.
11 users Tab
Open in a new tab
11 users
Keyboard Shortcut for Tab Duplication
Adds a keyboard shortcut, Alt+/, for tab duplication.
11 users