aday語音報讀 text to speech
使用系統內建的語音進行網頁報讀 text to speech
4 users
JIRA & Confluence Color-Mod
Changing the header-color of a JIRA and confluence Page. Useful for developers which work in several projects and must switch permanently. Autor: Alexander Käppler, diconium digital solutions, digital expert and senior digital consultant
4 users
Javascript Injector
Inject any javascript code from Url in the content page (only for developers).
4 users
_NCC Cookie for Bitrix
Add-on for web developers on Bitrix platform. Allows you to quickly install / remove the Service Cookie (_NCC) which blocks the composite site technology in the Bitrix content management system.
4 users
Multi Thread Js Downloader
Multi Thread (Segment) Js Downloader Regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard :)
4 users
Context Token Counter for ChatGPT
Counts tokens in ChatGPT to allow an aproximate notion of the context window size and contents.
4 users
HTML Tag Changer
Select HTML elements and change their tag names. You can select elements with a CSS selector and specify the intended new tag name. You can also hide or remove the elements. E.g. this can be useful to include specific elements in the Reader View.
4 users
Tanuki Utilities
Provide useful utilities for GitLab users.
4 users
Customized Image search
With just a right click you can select and then search images based on their extensions. For example as a Web Developer you need .png images for background and for transparency or you need a jpg image where size is big.
4 users
TrustBox Assistant
Troubleshooting Trustpilot TrustBoxes. This add-on provides a toolbar button, which displays a summary of the Trustpilot widgets installed on the current webpage.
4 users
Transform a webpage by inserting accented characters and making words 30% longer or swap text to read from right to left. A tool to help web developers test their code in different locales without having a translation available.
4 users
Django Redirect
Automatically redirects to Django documentation to a specified version.
4 users
Best QRcode Generator
Lets you generate QRCodes on the fly.
4 users
Element Remover
Allows removing elements from webpages
4 users
ページから歌詞を抽出します。 Extract lyrics from web pages. 権限が表示されていますが、これは歌詞のテキストを取得するのに必要であり、ユーザーデータは一切取得いたしません。 Permissions are shown, but they are required to retrieve the text of the lyrics and I do not retrieve any user data.
4 users
An extension that allows for quick inspections by clicking ctrl.
4 users
AAArdvark is an all-in-one testing, monitoring, issue management, and reporting platform for accessibility audits and remediation.
4 users
gRPC-Gateway Developer Tools
gRPC-Gateway Developer Tools for debugging applications' network requests to a gRPC-Gateway backend
4 users
Twitter Scheduler
Schedule tweets to be posted automatically at a specified time.
4 users
simple regex tool for development and testing.
4 users
Clipboard Concat
Concatenates selected text or link to clipboard entity
4 users
Denigma AI
AI that reads and explains complex code naturally, like a human Denigma explains code in conversational English. Powered by machine learning.
4 users
Prettier settings tweaks
Changes to have 4 space indentation by default and parens in all arrow functions.
4 users
Password generator
Useful password generator
4 users
Randomize tabs order!
Randomize the order of your tabs.
4 users