Print this page Fast
Adds a print button to the browser.
3 users
SafeScope - Web Security Analysis Extension SafeScope is a Firefox browser extension that analyzes the security of websites.
3 users
NTGbot, Özel bir eklentidir, bu eklenti ile uçak biletlerini listeleyebilir, ekran görüntüsü oluşturabilir, hesap bilgilerini görselleştirebilirsiniz, ek olarak sayfa düzenlemeye imkan tanımaktadır.
3 users
A²O Importação - Consulta de documentos SEFAZ
Consulta pela chave no portal do SEFAZ para realizar importação para o Sistema A²O.
3 users
Sense Field Formatter
Sense Field Formatter
3 users
An add-on with built-in dynamic themes that can be switched with one click.
3 users
Figma Mixed Styles
Extract CSS of Figma text nodes with mixed styles. Works even in “View only” mode.
3 users
DOM Element Background Color Selector
Allows you to pick the background color of any element you click on.
3 users
PixelPerfect Pro
Overlay design mockups on live websites for pixel-perfect comparisons
3 users
Hidden Zilla
"Hidden Zilla" is a simple and efficient Firefox extension that allows users to switch their browser's user agent to Chrome Windows with a single click. It's useful for testing, debugging, or accessing web content.
3 users
Link Name Copier
Copy the name of any link (Not the link(s) itself with the context menu).
3 users
gfg and leetcode links for code studio problems
3 users
Animeplanet Additions
Extension to add features and fixing inconveniences i have had with Animeplanet.
3 users
Browser Heatmap Visualizer
Visualize user interactions with a heatmap that shows where clicks and mouse movements occur most frequently on web pages.
3 users
NightShift: Advanced Dark Mode Toggle
Customize and apply dark mode to any website with advanced features
3 users
CENNZnet extension
Manage your CENNZnet accounts outside of dapps. Injects the accounts and allows signing transactions for a specific account. The CENNZnet extension enables account management and best experience for dapp interactions on CENNZnet
3 users
Get wowhead markup from links!
3 users
Companion extension for
3 users
Allows to automatically refresh multiple Tabs independently
3 users
SeLite Hands-on GUI
Before installing, see the urgent note in its Details. SeLite Hands-on GUI - Selenium IDE extension. It makes Selenium IDE GUI more practical. You can edit comments and targets and values of commands 'in place' (where they are listed).
3 users
Potential changes for GitHub
Browser extension that shows which pull requests contain changes related to a file.
3 users
jsfiddle search
Indexes your jsfiddles and adds a search box to the left top of the "All your fiddles" dashboard It will only index fiddles on the "All your fiddles" pages that you've visited It wont crawl the pages, you will have to click though them yourself
3 users
Convertisseur texte/HTML
Cette extension ajoute automatiquement le gras aux intertitres, questions d’interviews et encadrés chiffrés.
3 users
A simple tool for comparing HTML output
3 users
Link Crash Signature to crashstop
Turn signature links in Socorro into a link to the Crash-Stop server (useful for crash triagers) Socorro: Crash stop:
3 users