ClickJacking is a tool developed by Pentester Helper to help website owners determine if their website is vulnerable to clickjacking.
229 users
KOSHIAN メール欄を表示
227 users
CSS Layout Debugger
When activated, CSS Layout Debugger applies dynamic backgrounds and outlines to elements on the page in order to assist in layout debugging.
226 users
Facility for providing suite of tools for handling web components e.g. standard formats HTML, RSS, M3U8, and more.
226 users
DevTools z-index
Adds "z-index" panel to DevTools. It shows ranking of elements sorted by z-index value. This would help you to reduce z-index numbers. Stop `z-index: 999999` !!
224 users
Heading Tag Markup
This extension visual highlights the h-Tag on every page.
224 users
Internet Connection Monitor
Monitor the internet connection and display status in the toolbar.
223 users
Console Recorder for AWS
Records actions made in the AWS Management Console and outputs the equivalent CLI/SDK commands and CloudFormation/Terraform templates.
222 users
Rentgen illustrates the amount of tracking scripts on a website and helps with formulating an email to the website admin, which can be a basis for a GDPR complaint.
222 users
Histogram Viewer
Generates the histogram of a selected image.
221 users
Easy QR
Easy QR code, the best QR extension. Generate offline QR Code with a simple click!
221 users
Dom Tree and CSS Playground
On ANY web site, easily find/edit the web elements and styles that you need, in real time. Use css playground to micro-view 100's of styles in seconds. NOTE: Use your shortcut key "f" allot.
220 users
Browser extension that changes the way you're viewing JSON
220 users
Restyle the web with xStyle, a user styles manager. With xStyle you can install themes & skins for many sites and create your own.
218 users
DOMLogger++ allows you to monitor, intercept, and debug JavaScript sinks based on customizable configurations.
217 users
Edit text in your favourite external editor!
217 users
選択したテキストの文字数を数えることができるFirefox アドオンです。 記事の文字数の確認や校正などにご活用ください。
216 users
Cache Longer
Cache Longer speeds up your browsing by make your browser cache things for longer.
215 users
Plain Text Linker
Opens plain text URLs when you double-click on them.
214 users
Form Hack
Show hidden inputs in HTML pages with this simple addon. The addon was created for testing purposes. In the newer version the name or the id of the hidden input is displayed.
214 users
网站 IP 信息查询
查询当前访问网站的 IP 地址的地理位置,国旗,所属 ASN,端口开放信息等信息。
213 users
Socket.IO Test Client
A Simple Socketio Client Development Tool
212 users - Dodatek
Rozszerzenie umożliwiające poprawne odtwarzanie video w serwisach
210 users
Easy DNS lookup
Utility to do DNS lookups directly to DNS APIs and display the response in the addon.
210 users
一款强大且<b>免费</b>的数据采集工具能实现:单页数据采集、多页数据采集、接口数据采集、页面自动化操作、支持数据下载(Excel、json) 、支持定时执行
209 users