CSP Evaluator
CSP Evaluator is a tool that allows developers to check if a Content Security Policy (CSP) serves as mitigation against XSS attacks. This is a Firefox port of the Chrome extension
16 users
亚马逊网站选品插件,应用于亚马逊美国站的辅助选品工具。主要功能如下: 1、bestSellers侧边栏产品类目数据统计 2、bestSellers产品列表,产品详细参数展示,信息包含:销量、排名、产品ASIN,产品品牌等信息。 3、产品详情页,包含产品趋势图,信息包含:销量趋势、排名趋势、评价趋势和价格趋势等信息。 4、产品功能包含,产品查询、ASIN反查、关键词挖掘、生成市场报告、高频词和导出excel功能。
16 users
16 users
WebVitals Pro
Monitor website performance and resource usage
16 users
Autofill job applications with one click.
16 users
A Firefox extension to remove the black bars in the Peacock player. Makes it easier to watch TV shows, movies, and live events.
16 users
Switch Debug View (for Codepen)
Easier debugging of your codepens. Adds a button to switch between Debug and Editor view in Codepen. Opens the tab if it's not open already. Inspired by Codopen
16 users
Testsigma Recorder
Swiftly record E2E interactions with your web applications and store the actions in plain English-based tests directly on the cloud.
16 users
Rempl host for browser Developer Tools
16 users
Render Whitespace on GitHub
Renders spaces as · and tabs as → in all the code on GitHub.
16 users
Org roam Capture
A helper for capturing things via org-roam-protocol in emacs: First, set up: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html
16 users
MDN Search
Use omnibox to search MDN Web Docs with autocomplete.
16 users
Email and Phone Extractor
Extract email addresses and phone numbers from websites
16 users
RTL toggle
Adds a reverse page orientation so that the text is more suitable for your language.
15 users
Pesque peixes automaticamente sem interrupções, sem necessidade de jogar. Automatically catch fish without interruption, no need to play.
15 users
Search in StackOverflow Only
Uses duckduckgo to search your query in StackOverflow only
15 users
HTTP proxy for API testing website
This is a HTTP proxy which helps to send request without Cross-Origin Resource Sharing issue in APIs testing website test.onapis.com
15 users
Render OpenAPI
Render OpenAPI declarations in browser using ReDoc
15 users
Excalibur Dev Tools
Excalibur.js browser plugin for debugging your games
15 users
Text to QR/Barcode Converter
This extraction helps to generate a QR code or barcode image based on the selected text.
15 users
World Clock-TimeZone Converter
Time zone conversion and world clock display, support for one-time display and conversion of multiple locations/time zones
15 users
Piral Inspector
The official Piral developer tools browser extension.
15 users
MarkIIBrowserLog - InfoTrace Mark II
本アドインは、InfoTrace MarkIIのブラウザ操作ログ取得のための拡張機能です。
15 users
Subdomain Center
A.R.P. Syndicate's Subdomain Center Browser Extension downloads a list of subdomains for the website you're on.
15 users
LocalStorage Cache
JavaScript LocalStorage Cache. regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard :)
15 users