Link Creator
Open selected URIs, URLs, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and links.
9 users
Derpibooru Tag Autocomplete
An alternative tag autocompletion for, using its API or local autocomplete if provided a tags file
9 users
Simple Weather
Check the weather directly in your browser.
9 users
Second Search Bar
Add a search bar to your toolbar
9 users
Omnisearch Companion
Display relevant notes as you search from your Obsidian vault.
9 users
Adds a search engine that searches
9 users
9 users
Cozy FM - Podcast Player
A free, full-featured podcast player with seamless device synchronization, episode downloads, offline mode and more.
9 users
Humble Bundle Choice Steam Links
Adds links to the Steam games available for choice members
9 users
Locked In
Get Locked in. Stay focus. Block out distraction
9 users
E621 Helper
Your personal e621 Search Helper
9 users
GPT Sidebar
Opens ChatGPT in the sidebar.
9 users
Add to GiftList Button
Add to GiftList Button
9 users
SearXNG (
Make SearXNG (instance the default search engine! SearXNG (previously Searx) is a free and open-source metasearch engine.
9 users
VirusTotal URL lookup
Quickly look up an URL on VirusTotal. When on any website, just click on the extension to see a text field with current URL (you can change it there) and a button, clicking which will look up the URL on VirusTotal.
9 users
G Maps Ranking Extractor
Extract Maps rankings from popular search engines with one click. The must-have plugin for Local SEO.
9 users
A personal recommendation feed built in your browser. With myAlgorithm, you get daily content from Youtube/Twitter/Reddit/Quora/and more based on your daily browsing habits.
8 users
Office templates with ChatGPT
Search for thousands of Office document templates or create them with ChatGPT
8 users
quick search for case law
8 users
Ebay Item Purchase History
Adds a button to the item page that can be used to display the sales history for an item. This allows you to see the price for which the item was sold in the past. >> You have to be logged in to ebay to see the page <<
8 users
Local AI helper
In short, AIs are not allowed to access all content. But you, as a user, can. This tool helps you with tasks such as summarising current tab. Read this - it is mportant:
8 users
Full Database for Medical Students & Physicians
8 users
Open-GPT 开放版·GPT聊天机器人
Open-GPT 开放版·直连GPT聊天机器人,是一款基于的GPT算法开发的聊天机器人,具备较高的智能度和语言理解能力,可以进行智能问答、闲聊、教育咨询等多种交互,为用户提供更加便利和快捷的服务。系统聊天记录不会被上传到第三方服务器,用户的隐私得到了更好的保护。
8 users
Redmine Time Tracking
Start-stop timer for Redmine
8 users