My Currency Converter
Double-click or select the currency text you want to convert.
1 user
GoogleMeetMuter is a web extension that mutes your microphone on google meet when you switch tabs.
1 user
Nommages des livrables OC
Marre de devoir écrire le nom des livrables à la main? Pas de souci, cette extension et faite pour vous! Elle ajoute automatiquement votre nom, prénom et date des livrables pour vous sur la plateforme OpenClassrooms!
1 user
Unreal Engine 4 Wiki Relinker
When clicking on an outdated Unreal 4 wiki link, redirects you to an archive made by nerivec on github.
1 user
Stop social media from hijacking your attention — counteract manipulative design patterns with subtle content changes and filters.
1 user
Une extension pour masquer la barre des onglets.
1 user
Link Popper
A browser extension that lets you browse linked pages without leaving the current one.
1 user
simple automation tool for visa metric
1 user
GamiWall Rewards
GamiWall Firefox addon to earn points and redeem rewards. Users will get points that can be exchanged for various prizes that we provide. Points are obtained from completing available tasks.
1 user
FoodNetwork Ads Skipper
This extension skip ads in FoodNetwork
1 user
URL Collector
Collect and manage URLs and form data. and more :)
1 user
Upmarsey Maxxer
Helps upvote posts and comments on r/subredditdrama's official offsite, Includes a counter of the total number of heckin' updoots on the current page. Works gently enough to soothe even the most irritable of capybaras.
1 user
Auto Skips and Auto Plays Zoro Anime Videos.
1 user
List all JavaScript files loaded by a website
1 user
Pistes dinàmiques per el paraulògic
1 user
Orange Man Memory Hole
An extension that changes the top names and keywords from the republican presidential campaign into names which are less likely to cause unpleasant memories. Blurs associated images.
1 user
IOC Checker
Open highlighted IOCs in AbuseIPDB, VirusTotal, ThreatFox, URLhaus, MalwareBazaar, or custom set URLs. The addon also contains a local datastore for listing the queried IOCs.
1 user
Easy Compliment Generator
Generates a random compliment. You may want to support your fellow artists by commenting on their work, but what if you're bad at talking to people? Now you can generate a random compliment which you can use as a base to write a heartfelt compliment!
1 user
Automatic Wifi Login for Penn State
A Firefox add-on which Automatically connects on Guest Wifi Page for Penn State.
1 user
1 user
Simple Timezone Clock
A simple timezone clock extension for Firefox
1 user
AWS dashboard
The AWS Dashboard extension provides a seamless and convenient way to access the AWS Console directly from the browser's toolbar.
1 user
1 user
Hubba HTML 5 Client Extended
Fügt kleine Gimmicks zu dem Client hinzu!
1 user
Extend your browser with some useful functions. Please report any bug, ideas or feature requests on Github:
1 user