Dark mode for Wikipedia
Dark mode for Wikipedia
5 users
Luogu Tools
5 users
PC / Android版Firefox上で動作する、DLsitePlayに新しい機能を追加するアドオンです。
5 users
UCI - Confluence Enhancements
This add-on injects JavaScript into atlassian web pages to improve the experience.
5 users
Facebook Dark Theme CSS
A dark theme for Facebook! (This is computer/laptop browser and not for the mobile browser)
5 users
ChatGPT Conversation Tree Graph Visualizer
Visualizes a dynamic & interactive tree graph of messages in ChatGPT conversations, with tooltip, real-time updates and advanced customization options.
5 users
Name my vote
A simple firefox extension that automatically fills in your minecraft username on the popular minecraft server lists with a vote function. You won't never miss your reward for voting!
5 users
Text-to-Speech Highlighter
Highlight and right click text to translate/voice! Regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard
5 users
Spaces Next
Improvements for DS Spaces Next
5 users
Shortcut Manager
Configure custom keys for firefox shortcuts to perform various browser actions.
5 users
Simple Brightness Control
Brightness Control - Passe die Helligkeit jeder Webseite individuell an und speichere deine Einstellungen pro Website. Schone deine Augen beim nächtlichen Surfen und genieße ein angenehmeres Leseerlebnis. Einfach zu bedienen und perfekt anpassbar.
5 users
YouTrack Tweaks
Add more functionality to YouTrack. Customize your agile board, hotkeys, and much more. All these features here, in YouTrack Tweaks.
5 users
Steam Game Covers
Burn your Steam game backups to a CD that's as great as the game itself. For that you need really good covers. This add-on adds a "Cover"-tab to the Steam games page. It include: - Disc faces - Jewel cases - Amary cases - BlueRay cases
5 users
Google Calendar Guests Modify Event Default
Enables 'Guests can modify event' setting for google calendar by default, when creating a new event. Code is on Github: https://github.com/robin-drexler/Google-Calendar-Guests-Can-Modify-Event-By-Default
5 users
Capturas de códigos de barras para las aplicaciones de la Consejería de Educación.
5 users
Steam Community HiDPI
Improves the appearance of the Steam Community on HiDPI displays.
5 users
Contas Turbo
Gere Links Premium com apenas 1 clique com o Plugin Contas Turbo!
5 users
Rende possibile la lettura degli articoli delle testate locali del gruppo L'Espresso (il Piccolo, Messaggero Veneto ecc..). L'estensione è ancora in fase sperimentale. Per suggerimenti o feedback invia una mail a novembrethereal@protonmail.com
5 users
RedPanda Tabs
Show RedPanda on new tab because it's cute
5 users
Opena11y Toolkit
Use Tota11y everywhere to maximize accessibility.
5 users
Have Chrome-like group tabs in firefox
5 users
I'm Gay
Pops up with everyones favorite idubbbz quote Pops up with a lovely message. Some may say there is already one out there but this one is gayer.
5 users
Javascript Injector
Inject any javascript code from Url in the content page (only for developers).
5 users
ChatGPT words/replies counter
Adds a number of words in the page (for tracking the current context length) and the number of ChatGPT answers in the current dialog (for counting limits). Updates every 5 seconds when the tab is active
5 users
CodeForces Magic
Do you think you must wait until Christmas to see your handle in GrandMaster color for a limited time? You are wrong! With this extension you can change your handle to any rank you want, even you can become one of CodeForces Headquarters!
5 users